Africa advisors certify deploying teams at sustainable cost

By Pete NguyenAugust 25, 2021

Capt. MJ McKiever provides weapons instruction to role players during a mission readiness exercise at Fort Bragg, N.C.
1 / 6 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Capt. MJ McKiever provides weapons instruction to role players during a mission readiness exercise at Fort Bragg, N.C. (Photo Credit: Pvt. 2nd Class Liliana Fraser) VIEW ORIGINAL
A 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade advisor team provides a capabilities brief in a simulated U.S. embassy as part of their mission readiness exercise
2 / 6 Show Caption + Hide Caption – A 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade advisor team provides a capabilities brief in a simulated U.S. embassy as part of their mission readiness exercise (Photo Credit: Pvt. 2nd Class Liliana Fraser) VIEW ORIGINAL
2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade Soldiers tackle a physical endurance challenge as part of their mission readiness exercise.
3 / 6 Show Caption + Hide Caption – 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade Soldiers tackle a physical endurance challenge as part of their mission readiness exercise. (Photo Credit: Pvt. 2nd Class Liliana Fraser) VIEW ORIGINAL
Soldiers from 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade complete a physical endurance challenge as part of their mission readiness exercise.
4 / 6 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Soldiers from 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade complete a physical endurance challenge as part of their mission readiness exercise. (Photo Credit: Pvt. 2nd Class Cristina Gomez) VIEW ORIGINAL
Soldiers from 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade practice firing from a covered position during their mission readiness training exercise.
5 / 6 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Soldiers from 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade practice firing from a covered position during their mission readiness training exercise. (Photo Credit: Spc. Jake Moir) VIEW ORIGINAL
Soldiers from 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade conduct reflexive fire training during their mission readiness exercise.
6 / 6 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Soldiers from 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade conduct reflexive fire training during their mission readiness exercise. (Photo Credit: Spc. Jake Moir) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT BRAGG, N.C. – The 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade tested and certified over a dozen advisor teams set to deploy on a regular six-month rotation to Africa later this Fall.

The mission readiness exercise was the first time the Africa-aligned SFAB certified their teams at their home station.

"Here at home, we can simulate an interagency experience, maximize training time, and build custom, Africa-centric scenarios for our Soldiers," said Command Sgt. Maj. Christopher Mullinax, the brigade's senior enlisted advisor.

The 16-day MRX takes each of the deploying 15 advisor teams and tests their ability to navigate complex interpersonal situations, coordinate with and instruct foreign militaries, and think critically under intense physical and mental stress.

SFABs are specially designed units formed to deepen relationships and provide long-term advise and assist operations with allied and partner militaries. Effective and cost-worthy, SFABs maintain a continuous presence in their assigned countries through rotational deployments.

“Our military partners in Africa are absolute professionals, which means we have to send our best people to represent the Army and the United States,” said Col. Michael Sullivan, the 2nd SFAB commander. “Theater security cooperation requires building strong military relationships, which is a long-term commitment.”

The MRX took place in a simulated country called “Amari.” The exercise took them on an accelerated African deployment where they experienced everything from arriving at the airport in Amari, working with their partner force, and maneuvering through an emerging crisis. The simulation exposed the teams to planned problem-solving situations meant to spur critical thinking under stress.

To test their abilities, Soldiers navigated through a ringer of scenarios, each one serving a specific purpose designed to showcase strengths and build on weaknesses.

“We frustrate them with little things like having them navigate a foreign airport's customs and immigration, and we have them solve complex problems like developing a long-term training plan with their partner force,” said Lt. Col. Kenton Komives, the brigade operations officer. “Ultimately, we’re testing their maturity and expertise to ensure they’re ready to work well with a foreign military on the other side of the world.”

Throughout the entirety of the MRX, each team is graded by Observer/Controllers - Trainers who judge the teams’ abilities and control the events within the scenarios. OC-T’s provide unit leaders with key feedback on what they observed during each individual training situation. The vast majority of the OC-Ts have real-world experience in Africa from completing their own deployments there.

The MRX is typically the last training phase units undergo prior to their overseas deployments. Upon completion, 2nd SFAB Soldiers are fully trained and prepared to serve in their crucial role as advisors in any country they are deployed to.

The Army established the 2nd SFAB in 2018. Soon after their founding, they deployed to Afghanistan. In 2020, each of the five SFABs aligned their missions to a U.S. combatant command -- 2nd SFAB is aligned with U.S. Africa Command and is continuously deployed there in five separate countries.