Army releases fiscal year 2023 presidential budget request

By U.S. Army Public AffairsMarch 28, 2022

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Army released its portion of the fiscal year 2023 presidential budget.

The fiscal 2023 Army budget keeps the force on a strategic path to fielding cutting-edge formations necessary for multi-domain operations while facing increased fiscal pressures. The budget submission allows the Army to provide immediate support to the homeland, enhance partnerships, provide assurance to allies, support the Joint Force around the globe and execute key initiatives.

“FY23 is a positive budget for the Army, as it allows us to do two things simultaneously,” said Army Under Secretary Gabe Camarillo. “First, we maintain a high level of readiness. Second, it enables continued transformation of the Army of 2030 as we strategically pivot from two decades of focus on counterterrorism to an Army adapted to meet our top pacing challenge in China and the acute threat of Russian aggression.”

The fiscal 2023 budget request of $177.5 billion represents an increase of $2.8 billion over fiscal 2022 enacted appropriations.

The budget supports combat-credible forces in enduring campaigns, and active response missions as part of the Joint Force. Included within the request are rotational deployments around the globe, Pathways exercises in the Indo-Pacific and Defender exercises in Europe.

The fiscal 2023 military pay request represents an increase of $3.2 billion compared to the previous enacted year. The military personnel budget includes a 4.6% pay raise for Soldiers, and an increase for recruiting-and-retention incentives to support a total force of 998,500 Soldiers.

The operation and maintenance request is $3.6 billion more than previously enacted. The O&M request funds home station training and increases Combat Training Center rotations to 22. The Regionally Aligned Readiness and Modernization Model, introduced in fiscal 2022, continues to synchronize modernization with current readiness levels.

The budget supports the Army’s “People First” strategy, with a focus on reducing harmful behaviors and cultivating a positive command climate at scale. The request enhances efforts to restructure the SHARP and suicide prevention programs, as well as the Criminal Investigation Division. Quality-of-life investments within the request include improvements to Army housing and barracks, innovations in civilian talent management and a 4.6% civilian pay raise.

The fiscal 2023 procurement and research, development, test and evaluation fund request is less than previous enacted levels, but the request allows the Army to maintain momentum as the service transitions from irregular warfare to strategic competition. The funding emphasizes the Army’s six modernization priorities that are critical to maintaining a competitive edge, and supports the organic industrial base. Further, the request transforms the Army through integration of next-generation technology to deter adversaries and win on multi-domain battlefields.

For additional information on the Army’s fiscal 2023 budget request, visit or email Army Public Affairs at