Endurance Unmanned Aircraft System (EUAS)

By PEO AviationSeptember 24, 2020

MQ-1C Gray Eagle
MQ-1C Gray Eagle (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
MQ-1C Gray Eagle ER
MQ-1C Gray Eagle ER (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
The MQ-1C Gray Eagle/ER

The MQ-1C Gray Eagle Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) addresses an ever-increasing demand for greater range, altitude, endurance and payload flexibility in Multi-Domain Operations. The Gray Eagle Extended Range (GE-ER) aircraft provides increased mission duration, payload selection and capabilities, required connectivity (Beyond Line-of-Sight and Line-of-Sight), and range capabilities unattainable by current systems.

The Gray Eagle aircraft, powered by a heavy fuel engine using a common fuel found on the battlefield, provides high performance, fuel efficiency, and a longer service life.

The Combat Aviation Brigade Gray Eagle Company consists of Unmanned Aircraft, Universal Ground Control Stations, Ground Data Terminals, Mobile Ground Control Station, Universal Satellite Ground Data Terminals, Light Medium Tactical Vehicles (LMTVs) and other ground-support equipment operated and maintained by a company of commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted Soldiers.

Additionally, Echelon Above Division units are each fielded Gray Eagle Extended Range (ER) systems which include Unmanned Aircraft, Universal Ground Control Stations, Universal Ground Data Terminals, Mobile Ground Control Stations, Universal Satellite Ground Data Terminals, LMTVs, and other ground-support equipment.

The MQ-1C Gray Eagle and Gray Eagle ER provides the warfighter with dedicated, assured, multi-mission UAS capabilities across all Army divisions to support commanders’ combat operations as well as the Echelons Above Division units.

Download the Endurance Unmanned Aircraft System (EUAS) Fact Sheet [PDF - 516.5 KB]