CECOM COVID-19 Update May 28, 2020

By CECOMMay 29, 2020

Maj. Gen. Mitchell Kilgo
Maj. Gen. Mitchell Kilgo, Commander of the Communications-Electronics Command (Photo Credit: CECOM) VIEW ORIGINAL


I want to thank you for your resilience and commitment to our critical mission throughout the COVID-19 situation. As you know, the command leadership team is continuing to examine how to bring the workforce back on-site safely using a phased, conditions-based approach in keeping with HQDA and CDC guidance. While we have not yet met the necessary conditions to do so at APG, including 14 consecutive days of reduced cases within our region, preparations are underway. At Tobyhanna, select supervisors who had been working remotely will begin to come back on-site Monday.

Your safety remains my number 1 priority, and senior leadership is working closely with safety officers to reduce risk in offices and workspaces before you return. While these measures will be different depending on location and type of work, they include the installation of physical barriers, markings on floors to ensure physical distancing, and more. In advance of coming back, you will receive detailed instructions and resources on how to operate in and around your workspace safely.

Even months after the pandemic started, I continue to be inspired every day by your vigilance and innovation for the warfighter. We will achieve victory over COVID-19 by working together. For the sake of our men and women in uniform, please continue to stay the course.

Army Strong!


MG Kilgo