Fort Leonard Wood Soldiers, civilians describe their telework experience

By Amanda SullivanMay 13, 2020

Fort Leonard Wood Soldiers, civilians describe their telework experience
Clockwise from top left: Sgt. 1st Class Michael Million, Capt. Lincoln Parchert, Shin-Ae Young and Sabrina Wilfong describe their telework experience. (Photo Credit: Courtesy photos) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. — Teleworking has changed the way many of Fort Leonard Wood’s Soldiers and civilians communicate, plan and execute the mission here.

With social distancing and stay-at-home orders affecting every facet of life in and around the installation, the usual hustle and bustle of the morning commute has been replaced by e-mail traffic and weekly meetings are now conducted via video or teleconferencing from home offices.

Adapting and overcoming are not new concepts for the Fort Leonard Wood team, but the change in location presents unprecedented challenges.

From embarrassing telework moments to new learning opportunities, four of Fort Leonard Wood’s teleworkers described some of their recent experiences.

Capt. Lincoln Parchert, 1st Battalion, 48th Infantry Regiment operations officer

Q: What new skills have you learned since you started teleworking?

A: I’m learning how to be a full-time battalion operations officer and a stay-at-home dad at the same time. We were quarantined for 14 days, so my wife, Capt. Meaghan Kelly, was right next to me doing the same thing as Commander of Company A, 84th Chemical Battalion. Nobody’s expectations of us change based on our physical location – it is definitely a challenge to be everything to everyone at the same time. Our sons, Jacob and Bradley, have been very good about the disruption to their routine and earned all of the treats they got from the Easter Bunny.

Q: What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened while you were on a work call or video conference?

A: I cannot recall anything too embarrassing, but I did get an unexpected call from my battalion commander, command sergeant major, and our Company F command team while my sons were yelling and chasing each other around the house. I told them to quiet down and Jacob replied in a sing-song manner “no-no-no-no-no-no-no” while continuing to chase Bradley. I think everyone got a kick out of it.

Q: How do you stay motivated?

A: I try to stay focused on my sense of duty as a professional and as a dad and husband. I have a job to do and roles to fulfill, and the people in all facets of my life depend on me to do them well.

Q: What is your favorite telework snack?

A: The boys have been getting meals from the elementary schools delivered by the bus most mornings, which is an awesome program (shout out to our neighbors, Joe and Rachel, for getting them for us while we were quarantined). They usually contain carrots, which the boys aren’t wild about. So I have been eating a lot of those.

Q: What is your favorite thing about teleworking?

A: I feel better knowing that my kids are at less risk because they are staying at home. It is definitely a challenge to balance their needs with my professional obligations, but I think it is the right thing to do and everyone from our companies, battalion, and brigade have been great about making it work. Periodic hugs from the boys during a meeting and taking breaks to play with them is pretty nice, too.

Sgt. 1st Class Michael Million, U.S. Army Military Police School operations sergeant

Q: What new skills have you learned since you started teleworking?

A: I have learned how to work different operating systems for communication.

Q: What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened while you were on a work call or video conference?

A: I’ve been pretty fortunate so far, nothing has happened that was embarrassing… yet.

Q: How do you stay motivated?

A: I keep a consistent schedule and video chat with my kids. I make myself wake up at the same time, start coffee and do a small workout to wake up. I have another workout after lunch, and after work my kids call so we can talk and read together.

Q: What is your favorite telework snack?

A: It’s a three-way tie between applewood smoked bacon, thick-cut bacon, and maple bacon.

Q: What is your favorite thing about teleworking?

A: This situation has forced me to refocus my priorities. It has helped me think about what I want to do in the long term and consider what is important and what isn’t.

Sabrina Wilfong, Directorate of Public Works Environmental Protection assistant

Q: What new skills have you learned since you started teleworking?

A: I have learned to be able to multi-task, juggle helping my senior student figure out and manage her online classes and keep our lovable and demanding fur baby quiet while I am trying to talk on the phone or video chat without interruptions.

Q: What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened while you were on a work call or video conference?

A: While on a work conference call, the dog barked relentlessly at the UPS delivery driver my husband was talking to. It was hard to hear, but thankfully I quickly remembered to mute my end so it wouldn’t disturb the telephone conference.

Q: How do you stay motivated?

A: I keep a consistent schedule as if I were in the office, as well as stay in constant communication with my very supportive coworkers and our amazing department management.

Q: What is your favorite telework snack?

A: My favorite snack while teleworking is potato chips because I am able to chomp and no one can hear.

Q: What is your favorite thing about teleworking?

A: Being able to sleep in. When my alarm goes off I am already at work. I can immediately log into my work computer and begin emailing and taking telephone calls, with bed head and no makeup required. I also love that I can stay connected with the military community, customers and amazing coworkers.

Shin-Ae Young, Army Community Service Financial Readiness Program manager

Q: What new skills have you learned since you started teleworking?

A: I have learned how to utilize different software programs to connect with other members of our team. Although it was difficult to overcome some network challenges, I discovered other ways to connect and maintain good communications between team members.

Q: What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened while you were on a work call or video conference?

A: My office phone has been forwarded to my personal cell phone. I don’t want to miss any calls, so I answer every call. One night, thinking it was a family member, I answered, “hello dear!” Then I heard, “Uh, is this ACS?” Since it was after hours, the caller was going to leave a message. It was not the most embarrassing thing, but you do sometimes lose track of what time it is.

Q: How do you stay motivated?

A: I stay motivated by making a list of things that I need to accomplish each day. Also, having daily conversations with other team members helps me stay focused on what we are doing weekly. Our directorate sends us weekly articles to help us stay positive and motivated. These articles help me because the topics are dealing with our current situation – what we can do to help and stay on top of new and updated financial resources so we can share with our local community.

Q: What is your favorite telework snack?

A: Well, pretty much everything. I would normally skip breakfast, but now I drink more coffee and I do not skip any meals. I even started to eat new snacks – I like to live on the edge. And, most importantly, I got rid of my weight scale.

Q: What is your favorite thing about teleworking?

A: I don’t have to fix my hair and wearing yoga pants while working is a nice perk. I would never wear them in public. It’s nice not having any stress or pressure about what I am going to wear every day.