Titans hone warrior tasks

By Spc. Dustin Gautney, 2nd HBCT Public AffairsJune 25, 2009

Cleared Weapon
Lifting up the cover of the M249 Machine Gun, Sgt. Joshua Ballinger, 2-3 BTB, 2nd HBCT, 3rd ID, looks to see if the weapon is cleared, while showing 1st Lt. Todd Gibson, 2-3 BTB, the proper technique to load, charge and test fire the weapon at 2-3 BT... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Fort Stewart, Ga.- Soldiers from 2-3 Brigade Troops Battalion, 2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division participated in a week-long round-robin training focusing on basic Soldier skills and warrior tasks and drills, June 16-19.

The training, which consisted of Combat Life Saving skills, Land Navigation, Threat Assessment, as well as various weapon systems, was a 100 percent participation training iteration.

"Every single Soldier throughout the battalion went through the training; even the battalion commander and command sergeant major went through every single lane," said Spc. Karl Dugan, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2-3 BTB, 2nd HBCT.

The training, which was designed to allow every Soldier within the battalion to participate around their busy work schedules, was a smash hit among the Soldiers who were able to fit in the training between appointments and other work requirements throughout the week, said Spc. Dugan.

"With a deployment rapidly coming around the corner, it is very important for every Soldier to refresh themselves on these basic warrior tasks; whether it is CLS skills or basic weapons maintenance these are very important skills to have knowledge of when you are deployed," said Sgt. Scott Plavin, HHC, 2-3 BTB, 2nd HBCT.

To prepare for the training, Soldiers were designated as instructors from various military career fields.

Each deployment-experienced instructor was tasked to design and implement his own training station within the round-robin course.

"It has been nice that all of us out here instructing have had deployment experience, so we can give firsthand experience to the Soldiers on what they can expect when we deploy," said Sgt. Aaron White, Company A, 2-3 BTB, 2nd HBCT.

Sergeant White also said that the equipment that was made available for the training has been key to the success of the instruction the Soldiers have been receiving.

"We were provided everything we could have asked for from dummy simulation rounds to fake land mines," said Sgt. White. "This has made the training so much more hands-on than what would be possible with just posters and PowerPoint presentations, and the Soldiers have been able to really gain a lot of knowledge throughout this training cycle because of that."