● The top news item in the January 31, 2020 edition: FORSCOM unit participates in Combined Resolve XIII
● Senior Leader -- "When you start to bring information operations into the fold and how we use space capabilities, that's what's truly going to transform the force from battle operating model to multi-domain operations." -- Ryan D. McCarthy, Secretary of the Army
● This week's On Point: Army Strategic Power Projection
● Modernization: The 11th ACR keeps evolving
● Meet Your Army: Capt. Danica Goodheart, veterinary field services officer, 248th Medical Veterinarian Medical Detachment, 44th Medical Brigade, is responsible for the medical care of military working dogs that provide security services for U.S. forces. She is also an avid bodybuilder who placed first in her initial bodybuilding competition last Aug.
● Information products from across the Army -- including:
-- First Army's mission is to prepare Reserve Component units and Soldiers for combat through training and building partnerships with them.
-- The 1st Infantry Division held a change of responsibility ceremony recently at Fort Riley, Kansas to welcome a new Command Sgt. Maj. To the Division and Fort Riley.
-- Soldiers from the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, recently participated in a trench clearing exercise in Pabradé, Lithuania.
-- Soldiers from the 1st Infantry Division Forward, Fort Riley, Kansas, recently welcomed a new command sergeant major during a ceremony in Poznan, Poland.
-- A Soldier, a civilian and a unit from the 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, N.Y., recently won FORSCOM Army Safety Awards for FY 2019.
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