Steady pace wins race

By Bob ReinertJune 19, 2009

Sound to Narrows
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Sound to Narrows
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Sound to Narrows
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Sound to Narrows
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TACOMA, Wash. - Sometimes the clearest path to victory involves formulating a plan and sticking to it as a team, regardless of what happens along the way.

The 2nd Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment's Team 1 followed that route Saturday to post its second straight win in the "Super Squad" category of the Sound to Narrows 12K Military Run. The Patriots held off Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment in a time of 54 minutes, 41 seconds.

"We kept to our game plan," said Adam Rocke, 2-3 Inf. commander, who led his team home. "Our game plan was to keep a steady pace, and we kept a steady pace the whole time. We reeled in most of the teams."

C Battery, 3rd Battalion, 17th Field Artillery took the "Super Company" category in 1 hour, 10 minutes.

The 18 Fort Lewis Super Squads, including three from 2-3 Inf., needed to cross the finish line with at least eight runners. The three Super Companies had to bring 20 members across together. More than 200 Soldiers took part in the Military Run, where points were accumulated in the annual Commander's Cup competition.

In Rocke's eyes, the day placed team before individual.

"We've been working together as a team for the last 18 months as we prepare to go to combat," said Rocke of his battalion. "We're heading off to Iraq for our third tour, this brigade and this battalion. I've got a lot of veterans, and they understand the importance of teamwork."

Rocke's 2-3 Inf. team stayed together for the entire 12 kilometers and ignored moves by individuals from other teams.

"They would let some of their Soldiers surge," Rocke said. "We kept to our game plan."

Chris Hallows of 2-3 Inf. said the team integrated five new runners in its successful title defense.

"We had a real strong team this year," Hallows said. "I think we were a little bit faster this year than we were last year."

HHC, 1-17 Inf., pushed 2-3 Inf. to improve on its 2008 winning time of 55:10.

"We had a little bit of competition," Hallows said. "This next team was pretty good."

Though Rocke said the runner-up had trouble staying together at times, HHC, 1-17 placed a strong second in 55:02.

"They regrouped," Rocke said. "They came back together about a half a mile out, and they gave us a run for our money. So we actually had to put the afterburners on here at the end and sprint."

The Military Run had its earliest start ever - 6:30 a.m. - to help shorten a long day of racing at the 37th annual Sound to Narrows.

"You guys are the alarm clock for the neighborhood this morning," said public address announcer Jeff Randall as the units lined up on North Vassault Street.

Some residents sipped coffee in their driveways as the sound of an air horn sent the runners on their way. One home displayed a sign that read: "We honor those who serve."

Rocke and his men shook off the early start, supported each other along the road, and picked up another win before departing for Iraq.

"We've got a winning attitude and never quit, no matter what the mission is," Rocke said. "And we proved it again today."

Bob Reinert is assistant editor of Fort Lewis' Northwest Guardian.