Army releases investigation results of April 2014shooting at Fort Hood

By Office of the Chief of Public AffairsJanuary 27, 2015

January 22, 2015 -- The U.S. Army today released its months-long investigation into an April 2014 shooting at Fort Hood, Texas, that left four people dead, concluding that there was nothing in the assailant's background, medical or military profile that might have provided an early warning for potential violence.

On April 2, 2014, Spec. Ivan Lopez-Lopez opened fire at several locations on the sprawling Army installation, killing three Soldiers and wounding 12. Lopez-Lopez took his own life after being confronted by a military police officer.

"We find no indication in his medical and personnel records suggesting Spec. Lopez-Lopez was likely to commit a violent act," wrote Lt. Gen. Joseph E. Martz, who led an investigation team that interviewed and obtained sworn statements from 169 witnesses, in addition to reviewing materials and statements gathered during an earlier criminal investigation.

Martz's investigation also determined that no "single event or stressor, in isolation, was the cause of the shooting."

The Army acknowledged that even though "there were no clear warning signs," a substantive review of Lopez-Lopez's background found several factors that may have contributed to the soldier's state of mind. He recently experienced the death of two close family members, was facing financial difficulties, and was being treated for several medical conditions. He also had only recently come to Fort Hood from a previous assignment.

While recognizing the various "stressors," the Army investigation determined that Lopez-Lopez's chain-of-command would have had difficulty in recognizing personal problems, or providing help that may have been needed.

"Since risk assessment tools depend on self-reporting, they are subject to the Soldier's willingness to identify risk factors accurately," the report reads, before noting that Lopez-Lopez could sometimes be "misleading or deceptive."

But the report notes that when Lopez-Lopez first arrived at Fort Hood, "the unit experienced significant turnover in leadership," and was facing "high operational tempo…manning shortages," and that leaders may have been "unable to provide adequate time to train, mentor, and lead." It makes several recommendations to improve unit leaders' interaction with new soldiers.

Other recommendations include examining whether soldiers should be required to register personally owned weapons with their command. Lopez-Lopez had purchased two such weapons without the knowledge of his leadership; one had been stolen just weeks before the event, the other used in the April shooting.

"This impacts a commander's ability to maintain situational awareness over a Service Member and their actions involving a firearm that could be concealed and brought onto the installation for unauthorized purposes," the report says.

"In the absence of a system capable of identifying (Spec.) Lopez-Lopez as a threat, and because the unit was unaware and unable to address the variety of stressors in (Spec.) Lopez-Lopez's life, Fort Hood was not able to prevent the shooting," Martz concluded.

A redacted version of the report can be found at

The point of contact for media queries regarding the 15-6 investigation is Lt. Col. Don Peters at 703-697-7550 and Fort Hood specific queries should be directed to Col. Chris Garver at 254-286-5139 and