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Fox family has three sons forward deployed in three countries

By Maj. Vance K Trenkel (USARCENT)November 19, 2014

Fox family has three sons forward deployed in three countries
From left to right, Sgt. Matthew Fox prepares for a range in Paktya Province near FOB Lightning. Spc. Matt Fox poses for the camera in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. Private James Fox smiles on the Airfield in Kuwait. All three brothers are currently ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

From left to right, Sgt. Matthew Fox prepares for a range in Paktya Province near FOB Lightning. Spc. Matt Fox poses for the camera in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. Private James Fox smiles on the Airfield in Kuwait. All three brothers are currently forward deployed for the U.S.Army.