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Army realigns Reserve Officers' Training Corps programs

By U.S. ArmyOctober 3, 2013

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WASHINGTON (Oct. 2, 2013) -- After a comprehensive review of Reserve Officers' Training Corps, known as ROTC, programs across the country, the Army approved the closure of 13 ROTC programs over a two-year period to conclude at the end of the Academic Year 2014-2015.

"The decision to close the 13 ROTC programs is not a reflection on the quality of those academic institutions or the outstanding officers produced at those schools," said Karl F. Schneider, acting assistant secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs. "These closures are necessary changes that allow for more efficient use of available resources within the command, while maintaining a presence in all 50 states. The Army will continue to be good stewards of its resources through prudent transformation of the institutional Army."

Total enrollment and the number of lieutenants commissioned annually were some of the key variables considered in the comprehensive review. In addition, shifting demographics across the country required a review of where the Army recruits and develops its future leaders.

The ROTC programs selected for closure are:

University of South Dakota

Northern Michigan University

North Dakota State University

University of Wisconsin--La Crosse

Arkansas State University

University of Tennessee at Martin

University of North Alabama

Georgia Regents (Augusta State) University

University of Southern Mississippi

East Tennessee State University

Morehead State University

Tennessee Technological University

University of California--Santa Barbara

Full assistance will be provided to cadets, cadre, and staff currently enrolled in these ROTC programs. Cadet Command will render the maximum assistance possible to those Cadets currently participating in the Army ROTC programs at the schools slated for closure.

For additional information, please contact U.S. Army Cadet Command public affairs office at 502-624-3450.

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