CAMP STANLEY - In honor of our nation's rich history and diversity and with November being Native American Heritage Month, the Camp Stanley Community Activities Center brought Soldiers, Civilians and Family members together Nov. 13.

Crystal Hagen, Camp Stanley CAC manager, has held similar events in the past to show the different cultures nationwide in the United States by celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month and Women's History Month.

As Soldiers proceeded inside of the CAC, Native American music and stories from tribal leaders from various tribes could be heard throughout the entire room.

A buffet line, courtesy of Hagen and the CAC employees, was prepared for all of the Warrior Country personnel in attendance. Traditional Native American bread, meat and lamb soup were offered to Soldiers and Family members.

The highlight of the event that left all Soldiers and Family members talking was the actual presentation and performance of Native American music. Once everyone was settled down and well fed, Hagen brought out Native American instruments for Soldiers to enjoy and play. Hagen explained to Soldiers the importance and symbolism of music for Native Americans.

"I just wanted to give everyone the opportunity to enjoy a type of food, music and lifestyle that is different compared to what they are used to," Hagen said.