"Hey, I've got a lot to do before I separate from the Army -- why should I take time to use Soldier for Life - Transition Services Program employment assistance services?"

We're glad you asked! To answer that, here are a few questions for you.

Are you interested in developing an effective job search plan? If so, you'll want to take advantage of the SFL-TAP classes that provide detailed information on how to do so. SFL-TAP staff members and the Department of Labor representatives who teach the classes have "been there and done that."

They've all transitioned from the military service (as either a military member or family member) to the private sector, they've all had the opportunity to apply and interview for jobs, and they've all had extensive training in what it takes to conduct a successful job search.

Would you like to develop resumes and cover letters that best market your qualifications for the jobs you're interested in? SFL-TAP classes provide comprehensive guidance on how to do so. Additionally, once you've attended the classes, you can work one-on-one with trained counselors, and get their help in perfecting and polishing your resumes and cover letters.

At this point, perhaps you're questioning the use of the plural -- resumes rather than resume. "After all," you might ask, "Isn't a resume a resume? Why would I need more than one?" Well, you might not, but most people do. Usually, different jobs require different resumes. For a particular job, you emphasize the qualifications, experience and skills you have that are applicable to that job. The classes and counselors can help you learn how to tailor your resumes for a particular job, so you can best market yourself for that job.

Think you might be able to use a little help in translating your Army speak into terms the private sector will understand? After all, if you're not using language in your resumes and interviews that employers understand, you're going to be at a disadvantage in your job search. The SFL-TAP staff can help you eliminate Army jargon from your communications. They'll also show you how to find private sector descriptions of the jobs you've had in the military.

Would you like to be able to make your resume available to thousands of employers by simply entering your resume into a computerized resume bank with no charge to you for the service? You can do it through the Alabama Career Centers. Once your resume is on file, it will be available to thousands of employers. They will search on keywords within the resume. If your resume contains enough keys, the employers will contact you to see if you're interested in exploring the possibilities of working with them.

Do you need a quiet place to work away from the worries of home or office? A place where state-of-the-art computers and other equipment are available for you to use, and the staff prides itself on creating a friendly atmosphere that's conducive to getting those job search tasks under control? Look no further -- the SFL-TAP center is the place.

The center has the computer equipment and programs you need to help you put your best foot forward in your job search. In addition to computers, a quality copier and a fax machine are available for client use. Internet access is also available for research related to job search and transition.

What would you pay for an opportunity to practice your interviewing skills with a trained interviewer in a no-threat environment? Put your wallet away! Practice interviewing is another service offered by the friendly SFL-TAP center. Remember, you only get one chance to make a good first impression during an interview. The more you practice and get familiar with the process, the more comfortable you will be during your real interview. The results will be obvious.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to use a library that has some of the best references available in the areas of job search and transition? Look no further -- that library is as close as your SFL-TAP center. You'll find books dealing with every area of the job search process to include several references on applying for federal jobs.

So, what are you waiting for? Unemployment pay? If you're separating or retiring, why not get on over to SFL-TAP center and get a comprehensive orientation on what's available for you and your family? The Fort Rucker SFL-TAP Center is located in Bldg. 4502, Rm. 250. The phone number is 255-2558. The staff would appreciate the opportunity to describe in more detail just what's in it for you.

Related Links:

USAACE and Fort Rucker

Fort Rucker Soldier for Life Transition Assistance Program