Women's History Month

By Sgt. Ashley BellMarch 12, 2013

Women's History Month
U.S. Army 1st Lt. Norma Drayton, a joint visitors bureau action officer for the 3rd Infantry Division, poses for a photo in front of the unit mascot at Kandahar Airfield, Kandahar province, Afghanistan, March 12, 2013. (U.S. Army Photo by Sgt. Ashley... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - First Lt. Norma Drayton with Division Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, Third Infantry Division, is currently serving a tour of duty at Regional Command-South, Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, as a Joint Visitors Bureau action officer. Drayton, a Philadelphia, native, arrived in theatre August, 2012.

"This deployment differs from my previous deployment as my previous deployment I was an enlisted noncommissioned officer in the rank of sergeant first class. I was a human intelligence collector also known or formerly known as an interrogator," said Drayton. "I was on a 15-month deployment in Iraq. I was assigned to multiple locations and went outside the wire and interacted with the local community and high-ranking officials.

"This deployment, I would say, has been the best of the three that I've been on. I get to interact with high-ranking officials - whom some people will only see on television, in newspapers or on chain of command boards - which is an incredible experience as a first lieutenant. It is an extraordinary job and opportunity that I am and will be truly grateful and blessed to have done."

This is Drayton's third deployment, which includes tours to Iraq and Afghanistan. Her mission involves escorting distinguished visitors from brigadier generals to four star generals, senators, and generals from various militaries.

"I have always wanted to join the military ever since I was a child growing up," said Drayton. "My father was in the Air Force and is now retired after over 25 years of service. I am a person who likes structure, discipline, and being physically fit. I am a social person who loves interacting and meeting people. The military is the only place that I know of where you can meet so many people from all walks of life, different upbringings, different races, religion, nationality and ways of thinking; with one common goal to serve our country and protect our freedom while keeping us in shape and healthy."

As we begin to celebrate Women's History Month, which highlights the contributions of women to history, society and culture; Drayton had a few words of encouragement for women currently serving their country or those looking to serve.

"Joining the military will teach and instill discipline and structure into your life," said Drayton. "There is no better feeling in life than serving your country and protecting freedom. But with that comes sacrifice, leaving your family and loved ones, leading soldiers, being given a great deal of responsibilities, and never really having a place to call home. You get to travel the world and experience and meet people, extraordinary people, from all walks of life. It is a career that you will either love and enjoy or decide it's not for you, but you will definitely leave with an experience you will never forget."

When Drayton returns home she said she is looking forward to the everyday life that Americans take for granted, like being able to drink a glass of water, cooking, spending time with her family, having the weekends off or a day off out of the week.