Responsible Reset Task Force

By AMC for STAND-TO!March 29, 2010

Responsible Reset Task Force

What is it'

Army Materiel Command (AMC) leads the task force aimed at Army Reset effort. In order to leverage the Army Materiel Command's capabilities as forces and equipment drawdown from Iraq and build up in Afghanistan, AMC established the Responsible Reset Task Force (R2TF) to rapidly retrograde equipment from theater and facilitate the repair, redistribution and life cycle management of equipment.

The R2TF is a forward presence working with Army Central Command (ARCENT) to assist in prioritizing Army requirements and in establishing and maintaining visibility, accountability and transparency of equipment as it comes out of Iraq.

"The purpose of the R2TF is to help Army Central Command (3rd Army)--which is the Army service component command of CENTCOM--as it conducts its responsible drawdown," said Lt. Gen. James Pillsbury, deputy commanding general of AMC.

What has the Army done'

The Army Materiel Command is uniquely suited to play a pivotal role in the drawdown of equipment from Iraq. As the executive agent for equipment Reset, AMC provides management and oversight for the execution of field and sustainment level maintenance.

Our goal during Reset is to rebuild combat power while protecting dwell time for our Soldiers and their families. Every facet of AMC's range of global and logistical capabilities will be tapped in this effort.

What efforts does the Army plan to continue in the future'

The enormousness of repair and moving equipment out of Iraq is daunting.

- 60,000 to 80,000 containers

- 50,000 vehicles

- Upwards of 3 million different pieces of equipment

Ultimately, equipment will be either redistributed within theater for consumption, retained for Army Prepositioned Stocks, transferred to Afghan units, donated to the Iraqi government or other foreign nations to assist in meeting regional strategic goals, or disposed of in accordance with approved guidelines. Remaining equipment will be taken back to the U.S. to be repaired and reissued to units.

Why is this important to the Army'

Underlying our efforts is the understanding that drawdown and Reset must be simultaneous as well as complementary. That is why AMC is currently planning and executing Responsible Drawdown and Responsible Reset together to achieve truly integrated operations. The great work of logisticians across the entire spectrum of operations, from foxhole to factory, will make these operations seamless and synchronized.


<a href="" target="_blank">AMC R2TF print story </a>

<a href="'bcpid=6981683001&bcpid=4862853001&bclid=28356222001&bctid=60323579001" target="_blank">AMC R2TF video news story</a>

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