Long Knives celebrate end of Ramadan with Iraqis

By Pfc. Rebekah Lampman, 4th BCT, 1st Cav. Div. PAOOctober 14, 2008

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COB Adder, Iraq - As steaks and sausages sizzled on a steamy grill, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Soldiers working at the Contingency Operating Base Adder Visitor Control Center sat with Iraqi translators and workers celebrating the end of Ramadan Oct. 4.

"Really, you know it's a big thing" said Hafud Abdea, a translator at COB Adder for approximately five years. "These guys...they are different; they do a lot of things that units haven't done before; like during Ramadan they ... celebrated the end with us; they're doing very good things out here."

The executive officer for the VCC, 2nd Lt. Charles Harrison, assigned to the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 4th Special Troops Battalion, 4th BCT, 1st Cav. Div., began planning the cookout with his Soldiers a month in advance to make sure everything was in place.

"It's an awesome feeling," said Harrison, a native of New Orleans, La. "It gives us a sense of pride and enjoyment to know that we can take care of the Iraqis, because they take care of us."

Several Iraqi interpreters, along with Iraqi citizens who work various jobs on the U.S. base showed up for food and conversation with the Long Knife Soldiers.

"I just want to thank these guys," Abdea went on to add. "They're very friendly with us, and they respect our religion and really do a lot for us."

Along with grilling steaks and sausages, the Iraqis brought mutton and homemade bread to feast on and share with the American Soldiers.

Specialist James Curtis, assigned to Company B, 27th Brigade Support Battalion, 4th BCT, 1st Cav. Div., on his first deployment to Iraq, has never experienced other cultures.

"I didn't really know too much about Iraq when I first got here," said Curtis, from Nashville, Tn. "It makes me feel good though; to say good job to them for fasting the whole month and to celebrate with them. It makes me feel like being out here is for a good reason," he added.

As the charcoals of the grill began to dim, the relationship between the Long Knife Brigade and the Iraqi people is only starting to grow brighter.