Organization directory


The Organization Directory is a comprehensive list of all Army commands, units and organizations within CORE. While it mainly serves as an administrative tool, this directory also provides CORE users with details about each organization and their web page, as a way to facilitate collaboration and synchronization amongst the Army public affairs community.


Depending on your role, you will have access to different features in the Organization Directory.

All users can:

  • Search for Army organizations that are active in CORE
  • View details about each organization, including the component type, owner’s contact information and total number of members
  • Contact owners to coordinate with other Army organizations
  • Access organization web pages, if available

In addition to the above, organization publishers and administrators can do the following to their own organization:

NOTE: In the future, we plan to expand your capabilities within the Organization Directory, enabling you to follow other Army organizations. This will filter content produced by every member of a particular organization into your All Content page. This will create a custom news feed of content that is relevant to you and your organization. Stay tuned!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I don’t see a particular organization in the directory. How do I request to add a command, unit or organization?

New organizations must be approved by the CORE Support Team to ensure they meet requirements for releasing content on behalf of the Army. For more information about these requirements and how to submit a request, visit Request a new organization.


Our support team is here for you.