3rd ID Headquarters to deploy in late fall

By Kevin Larson, Fort Stewart Public AffairsMay 19, 2011

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FORT STEWART, Ga. - Recently, the Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 3rd Infantry Division, was notified by the Department of the Army that they will deploy late this fall in support of Operation New Dawn in Iraq.

This unit, consisting of approximately 700 Soldiers, makes up the division's headquarters element. As of now the unit does not know its specific mission, or the exact location it will be deploying to, but we do know it is being called at this time to assist in the accomplishment of our Nation's overall mission in Iraq.

The DHHB is an experienced, battle-hardened organization, with unique skills earned through four previous deployments to Iraq. The many relationships formed with Iraqi military leaders, elected civilian officials, and the Iraqi people enhances their ability to complete whatever mission they are asked to accomplish.

At this time, none of the division's brigade combat teams are being asked to deploy as part of this order. Their mission continues to be focused on resetting personnel and equipment, followed by training which prepares them for any contingency operation in defense of the Nation.

The Division headquarters element recently completed their previous deployment to Iraq in November of last year. This deployment order does not come as a great surprise to the Division leadership. With the DHHB's background and experience, they are a natural choice to continue the mission in Iraq as requested by our national leadership.

As more public information becomes available, we will be releasing it to the media. In the meantime the DHHB is now beginning preparations for this pending deployment.