Winter is coming with holidays, snow, and outdoor activities. The weather in Korea can get very cold which contributes to the humidity, making the temperature seem colder and can cause significant skin damage to exposed areas. The rain, snow, ice, and other cold weather issues contribute to health and driving safety.
Ondol, Korean floor heater, may be in use in some parts of Korea and contributes to upper respiratory health issues. Chill Bain, frostbite, and other cold weather exposure hazards can increase illness and injuries.
“Winter issues can reduce readiness and mission capability essential to protecting the ROK population, and the ability to ‘fight tonight and win tonight,” said Mr. Joseph R Osborn, United States Army Garrison Yongsan-Casey Safety Director.
According to the USAG Yongsan-Casey mandatory ‘Winter Safety’ training campaign, seasonal day light changes mean many will drive to and from work in the dark. Low or reduced light requires increased attentiveness to drive safely.
Colder weather requires additional, sometimes bulky clothing, which can affect freedom of movement while driving. Proper clothing ensures personnel readiness against the cold. Providing increased awareness informs employees of weather issues, as well as better mental preparation for safer travel, work, and activities on and off duty.

“Driving here during the winter can be very dangerous, so make sure your tires are good with proper tread and proper inflation,” said Osborn. “Increase awareness of slick travel ways including highways and secondary roadways and be aware of the other guy.”
While driving, be aware of “Black Ice”, a thin coating of glaze ice on a surface, and adjust travel distance and speed to support safe travel to and from your destination. Developing a seasonal weather emergency kit for your vehicle is important for winter preparation. Gloves, jackets, sweaters, hats, and blankets are good items for warmth, in addition to your standard vehicle emergency kit warning triangle, flares and first aid items.

Wet, snow-covered icy roads, sidewalks and steps are additional hazards to safe personal movement, and focus is required to properly navigate. Refrain from walking, riding, running, skiing, or driving distracted. Stretch before exercising in cold weather and warm-up your body to avoid injuries.
“Safety is not first, or second, safety is a core value,” said Osborn. “Think about what you do and how you do it safely to ensure you will arrive at home each evening in the same physical and mental condition to enjoy your family, friends, hobbies, and your life.”
To prepare for the winter, USAG Yongsan-Casey Directorate of Public Works, or DPW, orders salt during the summer months to ensure that they have enough in stock for the winter. DPW has salt boxes near each facility on the installation for the occupants use. During the month of October, DPW fills the salt boxes for units to utilize. If needed, units can contact DPW with their building number to have their salt boxes refilled.
DPW also changes over from AC to heat in all facilities during the month of October prior to the weather getting extremely cold. DPW identifies their teams to perform snow and ice removal through their snow and ice removal program, or SNAIR, as needed throughout the winter.
“Tips for personnel during winter, watch the forecast for snow or frozen precipitation,” said Mr. Rodney G. Brown, USAG Yongsan-Casey DPW Chief Business Operation & Integration. “Pre-treat high traffic areas with salt and have a snow removal plan.”

For additional winter safety tips visit https://safety.army.mil. Sign up for DoD Alerts, https://alert.csd.disa.mil, to stay informed about road conditions in Korea and monitor garrison social media for updates as well. Ensure your DoD Alerts profile is updated every time you PCS to your current duty station.

Ensure you understand road conditions in Korea, per USFK Regulation 190-1 as they will change for personnel driving safety during changing weather conditions.
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