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AMC enterprise awarded for logistics excellence

By Lindsay GrantAugust 28, 2023

Elite team delivers quick response, screens hundreds of radios
In a matter of days, Army organizations formed a rapid response team to screen hundreds of Combat Service Support Automated Information System Interface (CAISI) at Tobyhanna Army Depot. Subject matter experts from the depot, Communications-Electronics Command’s Integrated Logistics Support Center at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, and Combat Service Support Lab at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, were tasked to test a percentage of radios being stored by the Defense Logistics Agency to confirm future sustainability of the assets. The pass rate for the radio stands at 98.6 percent. Thousands of upgraded CAISI radios were placed in stock at the depot in 2012. Screening a subset of the assets allows for a statistically accurate forecast of the condition of the system inventory. CAISI was fielded in the mid-1990s and provides secure, encrypted wireless and wired local data communications system that works via Local Area Networks and satellites to provide global access to the military Internet. Components include laptop computers, radios, routers, modems, antennas, and power supplies. (Photo Credit: Peter Ankner) VIEW ORIGINAL

REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala. – In the heart of operational success lies a foundation built upon precision, dedication and unwavering commitment from the logistics enterprise. Five units and depots under Army Materiel Command were recognized by top Army leadership for their excellence in providing logistics readiness to the force.

The Chief of Staff of the Army has routinely recognized active, National Guard and Reserve units as well as civilian teams at Army depots for their dedication to increasing readiness and providing first class support to the Army. Three AMC units and two Organic Industrial Base depots were awarded this year for improving the Army’s global readiness posture.

“This recognition is a testament to the synergy and unyielding pursuit of perfection in the logistics enterprise to shape victory on the battlefield,” Marion Whicker, Army Materiel Command executive deputy to the commanding general, said. “The synchronized efforts of these teams has ensured our ability to provide precision sustainment and decisively respond to warfighter needs.”

Listed below are the units and depots recognized in the Fiscal Year 2023 Chief of Staff, Army, Logistics Excellence Awards Program:

  • Army Field Support Battalion-Northeast Asia, Camp Humphreys, Korea (Army Sustainment Command) – winner, Tables of Distribution and Allowances category
  • Army Field Support Battalion-Korea, Camp Carroll, Korea (ASC) – runner up, TDA category
  • Tobyhanna Army Depot, Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania (Communications-Electronics Command) – winner, Depot category
  • Sierra Army Depot, Herlong, California (Tank-automotive and Armaments Command) – runner up, Depot category
  • 406th Army Field Support Battalion, Fort Liberty, North Carolina (ASC) – winner, Installation category