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WHINSEC-member promoted to General Officer

By Milton Mariani RodriguezAugust 17, 2021

WHINSEC-member promoted to General Officer
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WHINSEC-member promoted to General Officer
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WHINSEC-member promoted to General Officer
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WHINSEC-member promoted to General Officer
4 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – WHINSEC-member promoted to General Officer (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Parabéns ao nosso ex-Subcomandante para Assuntos Militares, Willian K Kamei, por sua promoção a Brigadeiro-General do Exército Brasileiro!

Brazilia, Brazil – On August 12, 2021, Willian K. Kamei, former Deputy Commandant - Military Affairs, was promoted to Brigadier General with the Brazilian Army during a ceremony celebrated at the Clube do Exército. The event was presided by General Marcos Antonio Amaro Dos Santos, Chief of the Brazilian Army, and attended by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. Also in attendance were; Brazilian Vice President Hamilton Mourão; the Defense Minister, General Braga Neto; the Army Commander General Paulo Sérgio; and several other cabinet ministers.

During the ceremony, three Major Generals were promoted to General; 10 Brigadier Generals to Major General; and 18 Colonels were promoted to Brigadier General.

Bolsario and Amaro addressed the promoted, encouraged them to continue being role models, and thanking them for their service to Brazil.

For distinguished service, Kamei was awarded the Brazilian Army Order do Merito Militar, Gran Oficial. As part of the ceremony, a saber is presented to all new general officers. Major General Octavio Rodriguez de Miranda Filho had the honor of presenting the General Officer saber, Espada de Caxias, to him.

Kamei, a Cavalry Officer with the Brazilian Army served at WHINSEC from June 2018 - June 2020. His selection and promotion to Brigadier General follows the tradition of several of WHINSEC’s former Deputy Commandants.

Asked about his assignment at WHINSEC, Kamei said, “My assignment at WHINSEC was one of the biggest challenges, yet honorable mission in my career. At the same time it was a great opportunity to understand the U.S. Army and many other institutions in Latin America. Furthermore, now I have friends all over the Americas.”
He added, “At the end of my mission, my conclusion is that only through cooperation can we defeat transnational threats. My next assignment will be adjacent to the Argentina border, where I will practice cooperation amongst neighbors; and my Spanish. Siempre Listos.”(Always ready)

Previously he served as: Mechanized Cavalry Platoon Commander in the 8th Mechanized Cavalry Regiment–Uruguaiana/RS, Cavalry Parachutist Platoon Commander, 1st Parachutist Cavalry Squadron–Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Skydive instructor, Parachutist Instruction Center–Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Cavalry Course Instructor, Agulhas Negras Military Academy–Resende/RJ, Administrative Officer, Special Operation Instruction Center–Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Unit Commander, 10th Mechanized Cavalry Squadron–Recife/PE, UN Military Observer in Sudan (UNMIS), Administrative Officer, 5th Area Telematic Center–Recife/PE, Logistics Officer-Planning Officer-Operations Officer, Parachutist Infantry Brigade–Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Unit Commander, 16th Mechanized Cavalry Regiment– Bayeux/PB, and Advisor, Office of the Brazilian Army Commander–Brasilia/DF.

Kamei’s first assignment as a general officer will be as commander, Second Mechanized Cavalry Brigade at the city of Uruguaiana in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.