Why I serve: Fort Sill 1st Sgt. asks Soldiers to have courage

By Marie PihulicOctober 20, 2020

1st Sgt. Tiffany Bjorklund has tackled things others thought she couldn’t do. She said it is because of that she can relate to Soldiers as they come up through the ranks in overcoming adversity.
1st Sgt. Tiffany Bjorklund has tackled things others thought she couldn’t do. She said it is because of that she can relate to Soldiers as they come up through the ranks in overcoming adversity. (Photo Credit: Marie Pihulic) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT SILL, Oklahoma, Oct. 15, 2020 -- When 1st Sgt. Tiffany Bjorklund is faced with a challenge, she squares her shoulders and determines in her mind that she is going to overcome.

“I was injured in basic training. The injury actually showed up in Airborne School and I wasn't able to walk properly for six months when I got to Fort Campbell," she said. "I was told I was going to be separated from the Army. I was able to plead my case and was allowed to stay."

A year after leaving Airborne School, she completed Air Assault School as a first-time go.

Overcoming challenges has marked her career. Her successes have been similar to the start, accomplishing things others said were not possible. Because of it she has received the Molly Pitcher Award.

Bjorklund is also affiliated with 327th Infantry Regiment due to her work with the unit downrange, both on and off the forward operating base. She was also able to re-establish the regiment's connection with its Vietnam Veterans.

"Now we have a very tight community and family that is a bond between past and present."

Bjorklund is currently faced with being the first sergeant for two basic combat training reception batteries during a global pandemic. She said she and her commander have had to adjust rapidly to ensure trainees are safe and healthy for BCT.

“We’re tackling things that we never thought we’d be tackling, talking medical terms we never thought we’d know, and keeping America’s future safe and healthy from COVID-19.”

She said struggling is a part of the path a Soldier faces. It’s showing how to get past it that makes you a leader.

“I’ve tried things people said I couldn’t do and wouldn’t be able to do and that has given me the opportunity to reach out to Soldiers on a different, more personal level and coach and mentor them.”

As a female she knows she is an example for women coming up in the ranks, but she said her message is for all.

“I would tell the Soldiers, have courage to take that first step no matter how difficult that first step seems. Have the courage to try things they never thought they could do or accomplish. Have the courage to never back down, and have courage to never take the easy no. Take the hard yes.”

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