To lead and direct: 1st Armored Division change of command

By Pfc. Matthew MarcellusJuly 28, 2020

FORT BLISS, Texas - Gen. Michael X. Garrett, the commanding general of United States Army Forces Command and native of Cleveland, Ohio, left, hands the 1st Armored Division colors to Brig. Gen. Matthew L. Eichburg, the incoming commanding general...
1 / 8 Show Caption + Hide Caption – FORT BLISS, Texas - Gen. Michael X. Garrett, the commanding general of United States Army Forces Command and native of Cleveland, Ohio, left, hands the 1st Armored Division colors to Brig. Gen. Matthew L. Eichburg, the incoming commanding general of 1st Armored Division and native of Warren, Michigan, signifying the formal transition of command during a change of command ceremony at Fort Bliss, Texas, July 28. Eichburg promised to take care of Soldiers and their families as well as to improve combat readiness, stating that “we will do so based on a positive command climate that does not admire problems but solves them in an environment of leader development and learning.” (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Matthew Marcellus) (Photo Credit: Pfc. Matthew Marcellus) VIEW ORIGINAL
FORT BLISS, Texas - From left, Maj. Gen. Patrick E. Matlock, the outgoing commanding general of 1st Armored Division and native of Willows, California, Gen. Michael X. Garrett, the commanding general of United States Army Forces Command and native...
2 / 8 Show Caption + Hide Caption – FORT BLISS, Texas - From left, Maj. Gen. Patrick E. Matlock, the outgoing commanding general of 1st Armored Division and native of Willows, California, Gen. Michael X. Garrett, the commanding general of United States Army Forces Command and native of Cleveland, Ohio, and Brig. Gen. Matthew L. Eichburg, the incoming commanding general of 1AD and native of Warren, Michigan, participate in the 1AD change of command ceremony, July 28. The change of command ceremony was a formal event signifying Eichburg’s assumption of command and involved the traditional passing of the colors between Matlock, Garrett and Eichburg to represent this significant change of leadership. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Matthew Marcellus) (Photo Credit: Pfc. Matthew Marcellus) VIEW ORIGINAL
FORT BLISS, Texas - Maj. Gen. Patrick E. Matlock, the outgoing commanding general of 1st Armored Division and native of Willows, California, right, bumps elbows with Gen. Michael X. Garrett, the commanding general of United States Army Forces...
3 / 8 Show Caption + Hide Caption – FORT BLISS, Texas - Maj. Gen. Patrick E. Matlock, the outgoing commanding general of 1st Armored Division and native of Willows, California, right, bumps elbows with Gen. Michael X. Garrett, the commanding general of United States Army Forces Command and native of Cleveland, Ohio, during a change of command ceremony at Fort Bliss, Texas, July 28. During the ceremony, Matlock spoke on the importance of cultivating leadership qualities in young Soldiers and the significance in meeting new people and learning about their backgrounds, fostering greater camaraderie and understanding between Soldiers. (U.S. Photo by Pfc. Matthew Marcellus) (Photo Credit: Pfc. Matthew Marcellus) VIEW ORIGINAL
FORT BLISS, Texas - Maj. Gen. Patrick E. Matlock, the outgoing commanding general of 1st Armored Division and native of Willows, California, speaks to assembled Soldiers of the division and the audience during the 1AD change of command ceremony at...
4 / 8 Show Caption + Hide Caption – FORT BLISS, Texas - Maj. Gen. Patrick E. Matlock, the outgoing commanding general of 1st Armored Division and native of Willows, California, speaks to assembled Soldiers of the division and the audience during the 1AD change of command ceremony at Fort Bliss, Texas, July 28. Matlock acknowledged the team of leaders who helped make his command successful, and bid farewell to 1AD, stating that “It has been the privilege of a lifetime to serve as your commanding general, and my heart will always be with those colors.” (U.S. Army phot by Pfc. Matthew Marcellus) (Photo Credit: Pfc. Matthew Marcellus) VIEW ORIGINAL
FORT BLISS, Texas - Brig. Gen. Matthew L. Eichburg, the incoming commanding general of 1AD and native of Warren, Michigan, speaks to the audience and Soldiers at the 1AD change of command ceremony at Fort Bliss, Texas, July 28. Eichburg noted that...
5 / 8 Show Caption + Hide Caption – FORT BLISS, Texas - Brig. Gen. Matthew L. Eichburg, the incoming commanding general of 1AD and native of Warren, Michigan, speaks to the audience and Soldiers at the 1AD change of command ceremony at Fort Bliss, Texas, July 28. Eichburg noted that the division will take care of its Soldiers and families through a positive command climate and that 1AD will “when called upon to do so, deploy, fight and win.” (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Matthew Marcellus) (Photo Credit: Pfc. Matthew Marcellus) VIEW ORIGINAL
FORT BLISS, Texas - Brig. Gen. Matthew L. Eichburg, the incoming commanding general of 1AD and native of Warren, Michigan, assumes command of the Soldiers of 1AD, signifying the close of the 1AD change of command ceremony, July 28, at Fort Bliss,...
6 / 8 Show Caption + Hide Caption – FORT BLISS, Texas - Brig. Gen. Matthew L. Eichburg, the incoming commanding general of 1AD and native of Warren, Michigan, assumes command of the Soldiers of 1AD, signifying the close of the 1AD change of command ceremony, July 28, at Fort Bliss, Texas. The division change of command ceremony is a formal event which marks the transition of authority between commanding generals. As Eichburg assumes command of 1AD, he noted the immense impact that the outgoing commanding general of 1AD, Maj. Gen. Patrick E. Matlock, had upon the development and cultivation of his leadership style. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Matthew Marcellus) (Photo Credit: Pfc. Matthew Marcellus) VIEW ORIGINAL
Maj. Gen. Patrick Matlock, the commanding general of 1st Armored Division and Fort Bliss, left, and Sgt. Maj. Joseph Denny, the 1AD operations sergeant major, uncase the 1AD colors at Fort Bliss, Texas, July 2, marking the official return of the...
7 / 8 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Maj. Gen. Patrick Matlock, the commanding general of 1st Armored Division and Fort Bliss, left, and Sgt. Maj. Joseph Denny, the 1AD operations sergeant major, uncase the 1AD colors at Fort Bliss, Texas, July 2, marking the official return of the battalion from a deployment to Afghanistan. 1AD's Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion deployed last summer to Afghanistan, committing approximately 250 Iron Soldiers in support of partner and coalition missions throughout the region. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Matthew Marcellus) (Photo Credit: Pfc. Matthew Marcellus) VIEW ORIGINAL
Maj. Gen. Patrick Matlock, the commanding general of 1st Armored Division and Fort Bliss, left, and Sgt. Maj. Joseph Denny, the 1AD operations sergeant major, stand at attention after uncasing the 1AD colors at Fort Bliss, Texas, July 2. The...
8 / 8 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Maj. Gen. Patrick Matlock, the commanding general of 1st Armored Division and Fort Bliss, left, and Sgt. Maj. Joseph Denny, the 1AD operations sergeant major, stand at attention after uncasing the 1AD colors at Fort Bliss, Texas, July 2. The uncasing of the colors is a tradition which signifies the return of a unit from a deployment, formally marking 1AD's Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion's return from a deployment to Afghanistan which began last summer. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Matthew Marcellus) (Photo Credit: Pfc. Matthew Marcellus) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT BLISS, Texas - As the midsummer sun scorched the sands of Fort Bliss, Texas, the 1st Armored Division remained committed to the endurance of legacy and celebration of leadership as it held a division change of command ceremony, July 28.

The ceremony celebrated the outstanding leadership of Maj. Gen. Patrick E. Matlock, the outgoing commanding general of 1AD, native of Willows, California, and formally welcomed Brig. Gen. Matthew L. Eichburg, the incoming commanding general of 1AD and native of Warren, Michigan, into the division’s top leadership role. Gen. Michael X. Garrett, the commanding general of United States Army Forces Command and native of Cleveland, Ohio, hosted the ceremony, providing valuable insight and heartfelt gratitude to Matlock and Eichburg as they formally transferred command of 1AD.

“Since Maj. Gen. Matlock took command, 1st Armored Division has made impressive strides in generating decisive readiness and real lethality,” said Garrett, praising the effectiveness of Matlock’s command. “The division headquarters and its subordinate brigades delivered that decisive readiness as they deployed in support of missions in Europe, South Korea and Afghanistan.”

Matlock, along with over 250 fellow Iron Soldiers from the division’s headquarters, recently returned from Afghanistan where he used skills cultivated by a career of agile leadership, supporting Operations Freedom’s Sentinel and Resolute Support. Matlock’s leadership at home also amplified the capabilities and efficiency of 1AD’s brigades, ensuring that they remained a formidable force capable of defeating any threat.

“Under Patrick's direction, brigades executed tough realistic home station training and maximized the number of repetitions and sets, and varied the conditions," said Garrett. "As a result of this training, they cultivated a force that can and will win at the point of contact."

Matlock thanked and expressed his pride for the 1AD Noncommissioned Officers and their success at instilling a culture of service, safety and leadership across the division. Matlock specifically noted the extended period in which Fort Bliss and 1AD have gone without vehicular safety incident.

“When you depart post today, you will see a sign that displays a number of days since we’ve lost a Soldier in a vehicle accident. Today's number is 309 for the post and for the division. This is an almost unbelievable accomplishment that speaks directly to the quality of our Noncommissioned Officers, their ability to establish standards and discipline and their officers’ support to them in that endeavor,” said Matlock. “I'm proud of our Noncommissioned Officers and I'm proud of the way our senior Noncommissioned Officers develop the future leaders of the Army.”

Matlock emphasized the importance of meeting people, fostering new relationships and developing leadership in young leaders by noting stories on how he met and learned about a young infantry colonel’s background and service during the recent Afghanistan deployment, and another about the lessons taught to him by a senior leader at the United States Military Academy.

Matlock expressed his hope that his leadership and ability to connect with Soldiers will continue to develop them.

“I’d like to think that one of the young people I've spent time with in the 1st Armored Division will be standing on this parade field 30 years from now and just might remember a story or two,” Matlock said. “It has been the privilege of a lifetime to serve as your commanding general and my heart will always be with those colors.”

Matlock concluded by addressing Eichburg directly, offering words of praise and wishes of success to the incoming commanding general.

“Matthew Eichburg, you are exactly the right person to carry the Old Ironsides Division in Fort Bliss, Texas, forward," Matlock said. “I wish you and your entire team the very best in these endeavors.”

Eichburg took the opportunity to address the audience and the division before the conclusion of the ceremony, noting the importance of two generals in developing his leadership.

“There have been two general officers in particular in my life who have made a tremendous impact on me and after whom I've tried to align my leadership style, said Eichburg. “One is Lt. Gen. Tom Vandal. He enforced standards and constantly worked to ensure the success of his people and highlight that success for everyone who might have had an impact on their careers. The other is Maj. Gen. Patrick Matlock. Since 2009, he's been a commander, a mentor and a friend... he is the best example of a senior leader, providing constant mentorship for subordinates over the years."

Eichburg closed the ceremony by reaffirming the key tenants which defines 1AD and ensured that it will remain an effective fighting force, promising a positive and protective environment supporting Soldiers and their families.

“This division, in the footsteps of Maj. Gen. Matlock, will take care of its Soldiers and families, improve our combat readiness every day, and when called upon to do so, deploy, fight and win,” said Eichburg. “We will do so based on a positive command climate that does not admire problems but solves them in an environment of leader development and learning.”