June is National Safety Month

By Jennifer AlbertJune 8, 2009

FORT RUCKER, Ala. (June 5, 2009) - During June\'s National Safety Month the U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center is marking the observation by honoring noncommissioned officers for their commitment to keeping Soldiers safe. "National Safety Month is a great opportunity for all of us to pause in our activities and ask ourselves how we can be safer in everything we do," said Brig. Gen. William T. Wolf, director of Army Safety and commander of the U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center. "This also provides us an excellent opportunity to show the invaluable service our noncommissioned officers provide in looking out for Soldiers' well-being." Throughout his career, Wolf said he has had many remarkable leaders at every level who have gone above and beyond to stay engaged with their Soldiers to ensure their safety and well-being but there is one NCO whose engagement with his Soldiers really made a difference. "I've have been very fortunate to work with many great noncommissioned officers over my career. But the one NCO who has made a lasting impact on shifting the Safety climate and culture across our Army is Command Sgt. Maj. Tod Glidewell, the first Command Sergeant Major for the US Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center," said Wolf. "Tod's genuine concern and love for Soldiers and his unwavering commitment to educating Leaders and Soldiers on risk mitigation is unrivaled. He has left an indelible mark on me and every Soldier he has encountered across the force." Engaged noncommissioned officers like Command Sgt. Maj. Tod Glidewell are vital to the safety of the Army Family. To celebrate the important role noncommissioned officers play in keeping Soldiers safe, the USACR/Safety Center has launched a Web site dedicated to noncommissioned officers and their role in preserving our force. The site will feature short video vignettes of NCOs talking about what the do or have done to keep their Soldiers safe and/or what it means to them to be an NCO in today's Army. "What this Web site illustrates is that our NCOs are frequently the first line of defense when it comes to protecting our Soldiers from an accident," said Wolf. "They recognize that an important part of their job is caring for the welfare of Soldiers and their Families." During National Safety Month and throughout the summer, officials at the USACR/Safety Center are encouraging leaders at all levels to visit the new NCO site and, while there, click into the Safe Summer 2009 campaign Web site. Clicking on the Safe Summer 2009 logo at https://safety.army.mil opens a virtual tool box full of summer safety-related videos, articles and posters that will help all Soldiers keep themselves, their buddies and their Families safe. "We must continually remind Soldiers of the increased hazards associated with their off-duty, summer activities and remain engaged throughout this high-risk summer season," Wolf said. "Stay safe, have fun and continue to do your part to protect our band of brothers and sisters this summer and always." For more information about how to continue to stay safe this summer, National Safety Month or the new Year of the NCO micro Web page, visit https://safety.army.mil.