Lion Brigade Soldiers Prepare for Upcoming Deployment

By Sgt. Victor EverhartNovember 20, 2017

Lion Brigade Soldiers Prepare for Upcoming Deployment
1 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – FORT GORDON, GA - The training area where Soldiers assigned to A Company, 50th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, 35th Theater Tactical Signal Brigade learn how to set up the Satellite Transportable Terminal (STT) and learn the different intricacies of ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Lion Brigade Soldiers Prepare for Upcoming Deployment
2 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – FORT GORDON, GA - Soldiers assigned to A Company, 50th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, 35th Theater Tactical Signal Brigade going through the steps to set up the Satellite Transportable Terminal (STT) during a training exercise named "the road to war... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Lion Brigade Soldiers Prepare for Upcoming Deployment
3 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – FORT GORDON, GA - Soldiers assigned to A Company, 50th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, 35th Theater Tactical Signal Brigade going through the steps to set up the instruments of the Satellite Transportable Terminal (STT) during a training exercise nam... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT GORDON, GA. - Soldiers assigned to A Company, 50th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, 35th Theater Tactical Signal Brigade convoyed from Fort Bragg, N.C. to Fort Gordon to train Soldiers and ensure technical and tactical proficiency for their upcoming deployment.

In an exercise the unit is calling the "Road to War", leaders of A Company are training Soldiers on a multitude of different combat and equipment related training objectives.

"We're doing familiarization training with the equipment and cross training the different teams to be more adaptable and interchangeable," said Sgt. David Box, second platoon section sergeant. "Our goal is for the Soldiers to be able to set up and break down and move the different systems we're responsible for in a timely manner all while being able to get communications up in as little time as possible."

With an upcoming deployment training new Soldiers technical and tactical proficiency is the pillar of all training objectives.

"Some of our Soldiers have never deployed, so teaching them the lessons myself and other noncommissioned officers have learned from previous units and deployments will make these Soldiers better trained and more prepared for whatever is expected of us down range," said Box. "The way we're doing that is by mixing it up moving teams around making sure each Soldier knows the next Soldiers duties on the systems, ensuring their trouble shooting the right issues and knowing all the steps and intricacies by the book along with all the tips and tricks we've learned from operating the systems."

"I've learned a lot since we started yesterday," said Pfc. Mickey Brown, information technology specialist. "I've learned a few of the different jobs on our team and soon my NCO will test me on the what we've learned from set up and getting everything functional to tear down and site evaluation. This has definitely been one of the better training events I've been a part of."

With their deployment nearing Soldiers of the 50th Expeditionary Signal Battalion are definitely make great strides in training and perfecting the skills that will make them successful in their future.