Engineers set to deploy to South Korea

By CourtesyMay 19, 2016

Engineers set to deploy to South Korea
1 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – The 130th Engineer Brigade hosted a deployment ceremony for engineers of the 523rd Engineer Company, 84th Engineer Battalion, May 18 at Hamilton Field for its upcoming deployment to the Republic of Korea as part of U.S. Army-Pacific's Korean Rotation... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Engineers set to deploy to South Korea
2 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – he 130th Engineer Brigade hosted a deployment ceremony for engineers of the 523rd Engineer Company, 84th Engineer Battalion, May 18 at Hamilton Field for its upcoming deployment to the Republic of Korea as part of U.S. Army-Pacific's Korean Rotationa... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Engineers set to deploy to South Korea
3 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – The 130th Engineer Brigade hosted a deployment ceremony for engineers of the 523rd Engineer Company, 84th Engineer Battalion, May 18 at Hamilton Field for its upcoming deployment to the Republic of Korea as part of U.S. Army-Pacific's Korean Rotation... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Engineers set to deploy to South Korea
4 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Engineers set to deploy to South Korea
5 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Story and photos by 2nd Lt. Benjamin Groce, 84th Engineer Battalion UPAR

SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii -- The 130th Engineer Brigade hosted a deployment ceremony for engineers of the 523rd Engineer Company, 84th Engineer Battalion, May 18 at Hamilton Field for its upcoming deployment to the Republic of Korea as part of U.S. Army-Pacific's Korean Rotational Forces.

They will replace the 95th Engineer Company, a fellow company of the 84th Engineer Battalion, which has been serving in South Korea since September 2015.

The 523rd Engineer Company is made up of more than 100 engineers, of whom are horizontal construction engineers, but a complement of technical, signal, medical, CBRN, mechanical, and supply Soldiers make the unit flexible, responsive and capable of meeting all assigned construction tasks in support of 8th Army and 2nd Infantry Division.

Cpt. Timothy Wu assumed command of the 523rd Engineer Company last October.

"Six months ago we found out about this deployment, and since then each and every one of you have pulled your wait in getting us ready to get out the door, Wu said during the ceremony. Today, the Bulldogs stand ready to write the next chapter in the unit's proud service history to our nation. I could not be prouder and can't wait to see what we can accomplish in the Korean theater of operations."

In his speech, Lt. Col. Eric Noe, 84th Engineer Battalion commander, recalled the proud history that Wu alluded to.

"It is your mission to present outstanding engineering in support of U.S. and South Korean Forces and continue a trend of excellence established by those from generations ago and, more recently, by our brothers and sisters in the 95th Engineer Company. This is a strong Company that is well led and ready to execute."

These rotations are designed to support the U.S. security commitment to the Republic of Korea as specified by the mutual defense treaty and presidential agreements between the ROK and U.S.