Fort Bliss' pie throwing raises money for families

By Staff Sgt. Christina J. Turnipseed, Fort BlissDecember 15, 2008

FORT BLISS, Texas--Taking a cue from one of the most timeless gags in the history of physical comedy, Soldiers from 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, threw pies at their senior-enlisted cadre Dec. 2 to raise money for the unit's family readiness groups.

"This is the 'Joes' getting back at the chain of command," joked Joseph M. Ontiveros of D Company, 1st Battalion, 37th Armor Regiment.

Soldiers of all ranks were allowed to bid for an opportunity to shove pie into the faces of anyone ranked E-7 or above, including their battalion commander. The Soldiers' efforts raised more than $1,000 for the FRG.

"We get to take them all out!" said Charles White, also of D Co.

In addition to throwing pies, the Soldiers also bid on prizes including choice parking spots, relief from duty, a four-day pass, and the title of either Commander or Command Sergeant Major for a Day.

Several of the commanders, sergeants major and first sergeants said they would gladly take a pie in the face to raise money for their unit.

"If I have to lay on a railroad track to support the FRG, I will," said Lt. Col. Elmer J. Speights, battalion commander of the 1-37th Armor Regt.

"They're about to make some money," Command Sgt. Maj. Robert Blakey said before the bidding began on himself, which brought in more than $400.