As part of her duties as a plans and operations specialist for the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security, Krista Greenleaf spends a large part of her day on the phone. As a DPTMS team member, Greenleaf is involved in one way or an...

FORT WAINWRIGHT, Alaska -- (August 24, 2012) If you had told Krista Greenleaf back in 2007 she would be living in Alaska, she probably would have laughed and said there was no way that was ever going to happen. But when her husband was offered a job here and jumped on the opportunity, she decided that if she wanted to stay married she had better start packing.

After she got through the first few winters she decided it really wasn't all that bad and through the long difficult winter months she realizes that if nothing else, she has summer to look forward to.

While waiting for summer and sunshine, Greenleaf works at the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security as a Plans and Operations specialist.

Michael F. Bonnell, the chief of Plans and Operations for DPTMS explained that her primary responsibility is to develop operational plans that focus on the support of garrison community events and ceremonies that support Soldiers and their Families (such as STOMP). Additionally, she is responsible for the execution of the monthly Community Action Council (CAC), compiling slides and information, putting together the folders, flyers and pamphlets.

Basically, Greenleaf is involved in one way or another in about everything that happens here at Fort Wainwright, from deployment to redeployment, changes of commands, farewells and awards ceremonies in addition to the duties listed above.

Her supervisors have nothing but good things to say about her.

"Krista used to be very shy, but not anymore," said Felicia Jackson, director of DPTMS.

"Krista problem-solves with a holistic view," she said. "She is dependable, articulate and can handle multiple tasks simultaneously. These are precious skills that all directors want their employees to have, especially with the current resource constraint that we are all facing at this time."

Bonnell said that Greenleaf is "dependable, dedicated and versatile."

"I believe the best way to describe Krista is via the acronym PRIDE," he said.

"Professional Results In Daily Effort," Bonnell said. "Krista is without doubt a stalwart member in all endeavors assigned to the DPTMS team. She truly signifies the "T" in teamwork."

Greenleaf serves the Soldier with a true understanding of the mission, as she herself was on active duty (a military police officer) and is now a captain in the Army reserves. She chose this particular career field in the Army because she thought it would be a good starting place for pursuing a job with the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

"Growing up I always wanted to be a criminal profiler for the FBI," she said. "I read a lot of true crime books, loved (the TV show) CSI and I got a degree in criminal justice."

Greenleaf went as far as testing with the FBI and made it through two phases of their process, but stopped pursuing it after having her son because she didn't want to have to move every few years, which is common for FBI personnel.

"I still would like to do something in criminal investigations, but I don't know if I will get the opportunity," she said.

Her life is not all work and no play. She is married to Ken Greenleaf, the Operations chief for the Fort Wainwright police department, and they have a two and one-half year old son, Nathanial Eric. Her son's middle name is after her brother, who died in 2009. Greenleaf considers him to be her hero.

"My brother was (and still is) a big part of my life and who I am today," she said.

He did the best he could with whatever he had and was the best at it, she said, which motivates her to do the same.

She said if she could change anything about her life, it would be to have a clone since her life is so busy.

Greenleaf is known and loved for her sense of humor even when overwhelmed by the challenges of her job, the joys of parenting a toddler and lack of free time.

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Fort Wainwright, Alaska