Army Medicine's Culture of Trust

What it is'

The purpose of the Culture of Trust is to enhance and inspire trust throughout our Army Medicine Team, our patients, stakeholders, and customers. Trust is the foundation of Army Medicine. The impact of trust in patient care is profound-it goes beyond the obvious trust between patient and provider. Trust extends throughout Army Medicine and our Army family; it should characterize the relationship among fellow Army Medical personnel, patients, stakeholders, and customers.

What has the Army done'

Enhancing and reinforcing the Culture of Trust is a key strategic plan for all of Army Medicine. It seamlessly reinforces Army Medicine's vision of Bringing Value and Inspiring Trust. A Culture of Trust will permeate all facets of Army Medicine and is complementary to the Comprehensive Behavioral Health System of Care; Patient Centered Medical Home; Comprehensive Pain Management Campaign Plan; Medical Management Center. It will also infiltrate every initiative aimed at reducing variance and standardizing and improving patients' healthcare experiences, outcomes, readiness, and reinforce trust in Army Medicine.

Strengthening our Army Medicine Culture of Trust involves six lines of effort, which will be implemented throughout 2011. These lines of effort will focus on:

1. Strategic management - to provide guidance, tools and infrastructure that supports the enhancement and sustainment of a culture based on trust.

2. Resourcing - to provide dedicated personnel, facilities, and funding.

3. Trust training - to build and further develop specific skills, behaviors, attitudes and to lead research and development ensuring an environment where continual learning and best practices are inculcated at all levels.

4. Assessment - to continually measure and analyze levels of trust, identify and recommend opportunities for appropriate improvement.

5. Communication strategy - to communicate with multiple stakeholders, consistent messages through various communication methods and marketing products to facilitate awareness of the Culture of Trust.

6. Coordination - to ensure full implementation, coordination, sustainment and collaboration of training and education of personnel and our stakeholders.

Why is the this important to the Army'

Army Medicine is committed to implementing the Culture of Trust that will produce tangible and measurable improvements and results (i.e. customer service, patient outcomes, personnel satisfaction, retention, efficiencies, etc.). It is Army Medicine's commitment to beneficiaries to deliver and provide the highest quality and access to a system of healthcare.

What efforts does Army plan to continue in the future'

Over the next year, Army Medicine will review and revise policies to ensure they promote trust; Army Medicine will build and reinforce the skills and abilities throughout the command to grow and sustain trust; Army Medicine will improve communications and increase transparency.


<a href=" " target="_blank"> Army Medicine website</a>

<a href=" " target="_blank"> Culture of Trust website </a>