Fort Rucker, AL – The Lyster Army Health Clinic’s Pharmacy is dedicated to continuing serving patients and striving to meet their pharmaceutical needs during this COVID-19 pandemic. Lyster launched their new Pharmacy Park and Pick Up service to support social distancing efforts at the clinic. The new Park and Pick Up replaces the drive-thru line that had been in place since March of last year. The new Park and Pick Up project transitioned over the last few weeks with improvements to the area including new signs and repainting of the parking lot.

This new process allows for over 60 vehicles to pull into the previous pharmacy drive-thru area and park. Beneficiaries will not have to get out of their car, a member of the pharmacy team will come directly to them. Persons will have the comfort of being parked while they wait for a member of the Lyster team to retrieve their medication.

The parking lot was repainted with diagonal parking spots for ease of pulling in and backing out. The traffic route has not changed. Persons will still enter the new Park and Pick Up area from behind Lyster on Farrel Road to Dust Off Street.

Patrons utilizing the Park and Pick Up area this week have expressed positive feedback on the new process. The team has seen a drastic reduction of traffic on Dust Off Street with the new parking process. These improvements to the pharmacy pick-up should benefit everyone with less traffic frustration from the stop-and-go traffic patrons previously experienced. Patrons are encouraged to pull in to the first available parking spot when they arrive at the Park and Pick Up area. A member of the pharmacy team will come to them. The pharmacy team shared their appreciation of the Fort Rucker community for being patient and ever adaptable while they continue to provide the best possible services, in the safest way possible.

The Pharmacy Park and Pick Up area is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 am till 4:15 pm, excluding holidays and third Wednesday Training Day when the clinic closes at noon.

Beneficiaries can call the pharmacy at (334) 255-7178 and (334) 255-7175, regarding questions about prescriptions.

Continue to follow the Lyster Army Health Clinic Facebook page or visit  for ongoing updates from the Pharmacy Department.