Fort Huachuca, Arizona - On the night of 25 December, 1776, General George Washington led his troops across the ice-swollen and storm-swept Delaware River near Trenton, New Jersey, to attack the British Army and its Hessian allies. After fierce fighting and the loss of their commander, the Hessians surrendered resulting in a major turning point in the American Revolution.

As General Washington and his troops fought gallantly on that cold Christmas night, so too have many of our men and woman in uniform on past Christmases on far away battlefields. This year is no different. This holiday season, please keep in mind the many Army Families with an empty seat at their table. It is through their sacrifice, both past and present, that we are a free Nation able to celebrate in the custom of our choosing.

During this holiday season, I ask you to be vigilant in looking after the safety of your Family, Soldiers, and Civilian teammates. Some basics to keep in mind: think ahead, use seatbelts, don't drink and drive, and be aware of changing road conditions. Many are planning to travel long distances and I expect commanders and supervisors to discuss the travel plans with subordinates and especially motorcyclists. Ensure motorcyclists comply with FH 190-5, Fort Huachuca Motorcycle Mentorship Program Policy found at and use the Travel Risk Planning System (TRiPS) to access and reduce the risks associated with their plans. Furthermore, take advantage of the "Ready…or Not" Seasonal Safety Campaign at to augment your existing safety program.

CSM Latter, his wife Terri, and Annie and I wish you and your family a peaceful and joyous holiday season. We thank you for what you do each and every day and look forward to the coming New Year. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year.

Always Out Front! Army Strong!


Command Sergeant Major, USA Major General, USA
