A screen shot of the winning video submitted by students at Wiesbaden High School. Middle and high school students from Department of Defense Dependent Schools across Europe submitted videos about the Performance Triad for an ERMC-sponsored competit...

Department of Defense Dependent Schools students from across Europe recently participated in a project that let them express their creativity while also helping promote U.S. Army Medical Command's System for Health and Performance Triad programs.

Middle and High school students were asked to produce videos that were entered in Europe Regional Medical Command's System for Health Marketing Challenge. The videos focused on making changes in personal health habits in the areas of sleep, activity, and nutrition. In the end, 38 students from eight schools submitted videos. The top entries were selected and are airing on the American Forces Network as public service announcements.

Maj. Jessica Counts, the ERMC System for Health Program lead, developed the idea for the challenge and approached video teachers in the school system for their support. The teachers in turn approached their students who responded with enthusiasm.

"When the challenge was presented to (the students) they saw an opportunity to be creative" said Joe Smith, a video teacher at Wiesbaden High School in Germany. "They really liked the idea that their work could be applied to a real world situation and that others might benefit from it."

To be eligible for entry into the marketing challenge, each video had to be either 14 or 29 seconds long (the length of a standard PSA broadcast on AFN), had to conform to one of three themes -- educational, inspiring change or making a difference -- and had to spotlight two of five health elements, which include sleep, activity, nutrition, oral health and stress management. The ERMC System for Health Executive Committee viewed each video and selected the top finishers.

The Marketing Challenge was a win-win situation for all involved. Not only did ERMC get some help in promoting their health programs, but the students got practical experience in shooting and editing video as well.

"The challenge PSA helped students to learn the production and editing skills associated with making a PSA. They also got to see that their work was meaningful to the community" Smith said. "It gave them the opportunity to work on real world problems using the skills they are learning in class. A project like this is a real career builder."

A selection of the winning videos can be seen on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD15t5QskWoymvTi4id38yQ/feed.