SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii -- Medical Command's Performance Triad 26-week challenge officially began June 2, here, with a clinic kick at the Soldier's Pavilion.

The goal of the campaign is to promote good sleep, activity and nutrition in our families and us.

-- Ready, Begin

For those ready to take up the 26-week challenge, each week during the challenge, different sleep, activity and nutrition tips are provided and designed for improved health.

For those ready to join, the "clinic challenge" will feature a baseline, six-week, midpoint, 18-week and end of challenge personal assessments.

At the clinic, here, each section with the highest participation rate (based on percentage in each clinic) will receive a pizza party at the end of the 26 weeks. Family member assessments can also be turned in to support your clinic's efforts.

-- What to Do

Adults, enhance your health with sleep, activity and nutrition, vital components to healthy living. Experts recommend the following:

•Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

•Take 10,000 steps during your everyday routine.

•Get at least 2 ? hours of moderate-intensity activity and two days of muscle strengthening, per week.

•Make half your plate fruits and veggies, each day, which is about eight servings, per day.

•Build a healthy plate with lean proteins, fruits, veggies, whole grains and dairy.

•Get 10 minutes of movement, every hour.

-- For Week 1

•Personal Sleep Goal. Think about how much sleep you are getting? Keep track of how many hours you sleep every night this week with the SAN Baseline Tracking Chart.

•Personal Activity Goal. How much physical activity are you getting? Track your activity this week with the SAN Baseline Tracking Chart. Examples include going for a walk, biking, jogging, lifting weights and the like.

•Personal Nutrition Goal. What are you eating and drinking? Participants should write down what they eat and drink each day this week in the Baseline Tracking Chart.

(Editor's note: Information was pulled from Medical Command's Performance Triad 26-Week Challenge.)

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U.S. Army Garrison, Hawaii