I strongly encourage you to participate and cast your vote in the 2008 General Election. Voting is the essence of our democracy and one of our most fundamental Constitutional rights.

Our elected officials have very important roles and responsibilities. You have a voice in who we elect to perform these responsibilities, if you vote.

You can exercise your right to vote by completing the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA Standard Form 76) or complying with the ballot request procedures enacted by the state in which you vote.

The FPCA Standard Form 76, or other request, must be mailed or sent electronically as soon as possible. You should then receive your absentee ballot as requested.

The Federal Voting Assistance Program has been working with the states to allow ballots to be submitted and received electronically. Check with your Unit Voting Assistance Officer (UVAO) for your state requirements. You must be a U.S. citizen to register to Vote.

Mailing guidelines differ from state to state; therefore, we recommend you check your state's guidelines by contacting your UVAO, or by visiting the Army Voting Assistance Program website at www.vote.army.mil.

It is imperative that you complete and send in your ballot immediately to ensure it is received by your hometown local election officials no later than your state's deadline.

If you are an overseas voter and have not received your regular absentee ballot 30-45 days prior to your state's deadline, you should complete a Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB) and send it to your local election official. If you later receive your absentee ballot, you should also complete and send it in for processing.

The 2008 General Election is quickly approaching, so don't wait until the very last minute to register and or send in your absentee ballot.


SMA Kenneth O. Preston

Related Links:

Federal Voting Assistance Program

Army Voting Assistance