Eighth Army celebrates Women's History Month

By Pvt. Jewel Park, Eighth Army Public AffairsMarch 29, 2013

Eighth Army celebrates Women's History Month
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

YONGSAN GARRISON, South Korea - The Eighth Army 2013 Women's History Month Ceremony was held in the Naija Ball Room at the Dragon Hill Lodge March 27.

The theme of this year's celebration was "Women inspiring innovation through imagination," remembering in particular women who contributed to the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Guest Speaker Lt. Col. Mary M. Rezendes from the 1st Signal Brigade mentioned the 18 female honorees for National Women's History Month 2013, remarking on how amazing they were and she observed the similarities between those women and female Soldiers.

"There are some parallels between women in the military and the women we are celebrating today," said Rezendes in her speech. "They were drawn to adventure; interesting, hard work that needed to be done; and they saw a need for their dedicated leadership."

Another similarity that Rezendes saw of women in the military and the women being celebrated was sacrifice. She noted that it was extreme difficulty that many female Soldiers face trying to balance career, marriage and motherhood.

"Some of the women we are celebrating today never married or had a family," said Rezendes. "I don't know an Army mom who hasn't been filling-out-the-paperwork-close to having to leave the Army because [their] family care plan was failing."

The observance also included a recital of the poem, "Still I Rise," by Maya Angelou and a "Who Am I" presentation about the honorees.

1st Signal Brigade Commander Col. Paul Fredenburgh III and Command Sgt. Maj. Darris Curry wrapped up the event by acknowledging the contributions of women who are serving in the U.S. Army in South Korea.

"We have the privilege and the opportunity to see firsthand the absolutely outstanding female Soldiers and civilians that make great contributions to this critical mission here in Korea," said Fredenburgh. "We are honored to serve with you each and every day."

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