110th Avn. Bde. honors retention officers

By Kyle Ford, Army Flier EditorNovember 12, 2010

110th Avn. Bde. honors retention officers
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FORT RUCKER, Ala. -- The 110th Aviation Brigade recognized its brigade- and battalion-level retention officers during its annual retention awards ceremony Nov. 5 at the post theater.

The noncommissioned officers went beyond the Training and Doctrine Command fiscal year 2010 retention mission by retaining 122 percent of the personnel requested.

Retention NCOs serve a vital role in the stressed Army, according to Col. Russell Stinger, 110th Aviation Brigade commander.

"The folks that we have serving with us and for us in the brigade are a class like no other, and it's important to our Army and our nation that we continue to keep these Soldiers in the Army to continue to serve; to continue to fight," he said. "That's not a small order these days."

It's not a small order because retention NCOs must convince Soldiers and, more importantly, their Families that the Army is worth their while, Stinger added.

"The retention personnel in this audience, as well as the leadership, give Soldiers a reason to want to continue to serve, a reason to be happy to come to work and a reason to make sacrifices day in and day out," he said. "To get those folks to re-up is a huge task and a task for which I am grateful.

"All of the people here should be proud of themselves for what they do every day," he said. "You should be proud of yourselves for helping us make mission and to continue to support the Army."

The brigade's top reenlistment NCO said he is happy to mentor and lead Soldiers on the right career path.

"A main portion of my job is career counseling," said Staff Sgt. Michael Anderson, 110th Headquarters and Headquarters Company reenlistment NCO. "If the best thing for a Soldier is to separate and move on to the civilian workforce and education, I can help. If the best thing for the Soldier is to remain in the Army, I help with that, too."

Anderson was recognized with an Army Commendation Medal and the Brigade Commander's Retention Excellence Award for fiscal year 2010.

Recognizing reenlistment NCOs is important to keep them motivated, said Command Sgt. Maj. Antoinette Aila, 110th Avn. Bde.

"Keeping quality Soldiers helps the team - Army Aviation and the greater Army as a whole," she said.

Units and Soldiers recognized include:

Commander's Early Bird Retention Award and Brigade Commander's Retention Excellence Award for fiscal year 2010

* Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 110th Aviation Brigade

Brigade Commander's Retention Excellence Award FY 2010

* 1st Bn., 11th Aviation Regiment

* 1st Battalion, 212th Avn. Regt.

* 1st Bn., 223rd Avn. Regt.

Individual awards

* Staff Sgt. Michael Anderson, Headquarters and Headquarters Co. 110th Avn. Bde. was awarded the Army Commendation Medal and Brigade Commander's Retention Excellence Award FY 2010

* Staff Sgt. Charles Neal, 1st Bn. 212th Avn. Regt. was awarded the Army Achievement Medal and the Brigade Commander's Top Producer Award

Army Achievement Medals

* Sgt. 1st Class Laura Hull, 1st Bn. 223rd Avn. Regt.

* Staff Sgt. Michael Diehl, Headquarters and Headquarters Co. 110th Avn. Bde.

* Staff Sgt. Larry Evans, 1st Bn. 223rd Avn. Regt.

* Staff Sgt. Jean Munoz, 1st Bn. 223rd Avn. Regt.

* Sgt. Carl Baughman, Headquarters and Headquarters Co. 110th Avn. Bde.