Band Members Embark on a Historic Tour

By Spc. Brian Badgley and Pfc. Karin LeachJuly 10, 2009

al faw palace; band; fourth of july
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Band Plays Independence Day
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Band Plays Independence Day
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Band Plays Independence Day Concert
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Early the morning of June 25, 73 Soldiers drawn from the 56th Army Band, the 1st Cavalry Division Band, the 25th Infantry Division Band, and the 34th Infantry Division Band boarded a C-17 airplane and headed to Contingency Operating Base Basra on the first leg of the July Fourth Celebration Concert tour.

The combined bands, led by Chief Warrant Officer 5 John S. Fraser, Chief Warrant Officer 4 Aaron Graff, Chief Warrant Officer 3 Trygve Skaar, and Chief Warrant Officer 2 Joseph Parenteau, were scheduled to perform four concerts throughout the Iraqi Theatre of Operations.

The members of the combined bands gathered for a week of rehearsals and camaraderie prior to their departure from Camp Victory. This was the first time in the history of Operation Iraqi Freedom that all of the Army Bands in theatre gathered in one place at one time for one specific mission.

"I had this wild idea long before we ever deployed," remarked Fraser, I Corps Band commander. "I never thought we could actually put it together, but with the cooperation of the other band members and their commands we were able to."

The concert tour began the night of June 26 at COB Basra. The band performed in 120 degrees to a crowd of highly motivated troops from Multi National Division - South. The MND-S Commanding General Maj. Gen. Rick Nash and MND-S Command Sergeant Major Doug Julian remained after the concert to congratulate and thank the members of the bands.

"It's very rare that any Servicemember gets entertainment while in Iraq," Spc. Mike Nelson, Scarbrough, Maine said. "The Fourth of July was a great opportunity for the different bands to come together to provide entertainment for the troops."

The tour came to an abrupt halt as severe dust and sand storms trapped the band members at COB Basra for the next six days. Over the next several nights the Soldiers from the 34th Infantry Division Band's Country Band, The Red Bull Riders, The I Corps Band's Modern Rock Band, Sunburn, and the 34th Infantry Division Band's Red Bull Rock Band entertained the troops at Echo's, a small restaurant located on COB Basra.

Nelson, the lead singer of Sunburn, had no trouble keeping morale high. He often changed the lyrics of his songs to incorporate the misfortune of the band members stuck at COB Basra, allowing the band members in the audience to laugh at their misfortune instead allowing it to lower their morale.

"This was my chance to make something positive out of a not so positive situation," Nelson said. "We had a great time performing in Basra and I think the crowd was very appreciative of our music."

After multiple phone calls and e-mails, Capt. Randall Bartell, MNC-I Band Staff Officer, was able to arrange a Marine C-130 airplane to transport the members of the combined bands back to Camp Victory early the morning of July 3. After a few hours of personal time, the band members gathered again for one final rehearsal before the culminating concert at the Al Faw Palace the evening of Independence Day.

Performing for a crowd of about 500 Servicemembers on the front steps of the palace the bands performed an inspirational and motivating assortment of popular and patriotic music. After a special request from MNC-I Command Sergeant Major Frank Grippe, a few members of the band performed an impromptu edition of "Free Bird" during one of the breaks.

Although the weather cut the tour short, the bandsmen were happy that they were able to be a part of this unprecedented mission.

"It is very important for us to celebrate the Fourth of July here in Iraq; it marks the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the birth of our great nation," Staff Sgt. Tim Ingram, Alexandria, Pa., said.

"It reminds the Servicemembers of why they are here, so that one day the Iraqi people may have the opportunity to celebrate their own special holidays the way we can."