Orientation for New Employees

By Pfc. Bum Joon Kim (IMCOM)June 6, 2017

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(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

USAG DAEGU -- On June 2, orientation for new employees of United States Army Garrison Daegu was held in Equal Employment Opportunity Office classroom, Camp Henry. New employees attended the orientation led by personnel from the Directorate. The orientation gave new employees explicit information about their department, Garrison, and Korea.

"Orientation is an onboarding process to properly receive and integrate our new employees," said Robert Clifton, Chief Administrative Officer of Department of Human Resources. "We let them know what facilities we have, what services are available, and more specifically, we get into things special in Korea like safety, noncombatant evacuation operation, and security operations."

The orientation for new employees is held in first Friday of every two month. Each department presents what services they provide and they explain what kind of work they are doing. It familiarizes new employees with the Garrison rules and polices. Also, to people who are not familiar with life in Korea, the orientation offers useful information about Korea such as transportation and medical service.

"We do feedback and surveys for every employee on board, and we receive comments from them," said Clifton. "Just recently, we learned that employees want information about apps useful in Korea locally and we are now working with Army Community Service to see if we can make a list to provide that information."

Through this orientation, new employees get better knowledge around their new workplace and fit into the Garrison community more quickly. "It's my first time in Korea," said Rebecca Oden, new employee in ACS. "The orientation helps me to adapt to my work surroundings and Korea, and it gives better understanding about how garrison operates."