GOI holds payday for guards of famous Haifa Street

By Army photo by 1st Lt. Nicholas Anderson, 4th Bn., 42nd FA Regt., 2nd HBCT, 1st Inf. Div, MND-BFebruary 10, 2009

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

BAGHDAD - Members of the Haifa Street Guards wait in line Feb. 5 to be paid for their service guarding the historically violent street located in the Karkh district of northwest Baghdad.

"We are looking forward to seeing these men move forward in making a difference in Iraq," said Deaa Salam, supervisor, Haifa Street Guards. "This program has provided them this opportunity."

"The guards have been made aware of transition opportunities through the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration program," said Capt. Michael Roscoe, Iraqi Security Force coordinator, 4th Battalion, 42nd Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, Multi-National Division-Baghdad. "Some are looking to enroll in the next rotation of training; others continue to keep their hope in becoming an Iraqi policeman and are looking to enroll in the Furat Academy in the near future."