Performance Triad can help children stay focused, improve performance live healthier

By Maj. Vanessa Bonner, Andrew Rader, U.S. Army Health ClinicSeptember 30, 2015

Performance Triad can help children stay focused, improve performance live healthier
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Learn how activity, sleep, and nutrition can positively influence a child's academics, physical performance and behavior.

Academics: Parents and children both benefit when a child does well in school.

Did you know that children who are more active score better on tests and get better grades? Start by helping your children choose some fun activities where they have to be active for at least 60 minutes every day. Getting about 11,000 to 13,000 steps a day can improve their grades. Children who get the right amount of sleep for their age, tend to do better academically. Their moods, balance and coordination are generally better. They think more clearly and remember things better. Providing your children with good nutrition supports their ability to think and learn. The USDA's "MyPlate" is a great resource to easily understand how to achieve this goal.

Physical Health and Performance: Developing an active lifestyle when we are young has lifelong benefits.

Children who are active from a very early age have lower rates of injury, better bone health, and are less likely to become overweight or obese as adults. Putting your children to bed at night so they get enough sleep benefits everyone. You get a little more time to yourself and they get more sleep with positive benefits to their mental, emotional, growth and development. Sleep-deprived children are at higher risk for being overweight or obese. Without enough sleep, it is harder for children to produce enough of the hormones they need to promote normal growth. It takes longer for those cuts and bruises to heal. A well-balanced diet reduces a child's risk of being overweight or obese. It strengthens their muscles and bones, and it improves their overall energy levels.

Behavior: Promote less anxiety, stress, and encourage focused attention.

Encourage your child to get 60 minutes or more of play and activity during the day. This reduces stress and anxiety. Children who are well rested are just more fun to be around. They tend to cooperate more, have better control over their emotions and are typically more motivated throughout the day. Sleep contributes to a child's ability to pay attention and do better in school. Take the time to help kick-start your child's day with a healthy breakfast.A good breakfast can improve mood and attitude while helping them to stay focused in class longer.

Every parent has had some concern for how well their child may do in the upcoming school year.

Focusing on activity, sleep, and nutrition will start a child on the right foot for success.