Soldiers creating a lasting bond

By Pfc. Chung Il KimJanuary 5, 2015

A lasting bond
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A lasting bond
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Lasting bond
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A lasting bond
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CAMP HUMPHREYS, South Korea (Jan. 2, 2014) -- The winter in Pyeongtaek, South Korea, can get intense. Thick, heavy snow flakes cover the ground this time of year. What adds even more to the frosty weather is a Soldier's detachment from his family back home. Nevertheless, Soldiers from 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade always reach out to their South Korean neighbors, who also feel the bite from the cold December winter.

On Dec. 29-30, Soldiers from Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade, visited the Aehyang Children's Welfare Center and reached out to the children in the local community.

When the Soldiers first arrived to the center, they watched a promotional video about the child care center. The center was first founded by Yeon-Heung Yoo in 1953, after the Korean War to take care of orphaned and abandoned children. In the midst of post-war misery, Yoo's altruism was indeed a light of hope to the thousands of war destitute children. Currently, 65 children whose ages range from preschool to high school live in the center.

After watching the video, Soldiers started cleaning. Some washed the windows and vacuumed the floor; others organized the miniature library. Spc. Romeo Remy, a flight operation specialist from the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade, was amazed by the amount and quality of resources available for the children. He said he was surprised to see so many books in the library and some amazing resources such as a physical training room and music room.

As the cleaning ended, Soldiers went to the dining room. Sweet smells of pancakes and the freshness of tangerines welcomed the Soldiers. Then, even sweeter faces of children timidly greeted them. One by one they sat beside the Soldiers. Despite the differences in age, language, and appearance, the Soldiers and the children instantly became friends. A Soldier picked up pancakes with chopsticks to feed one of the children who could hardly hold the chopsticks. Another Soldier spoke with a child sitting on his lap while another gave a piggy-back ride to a tiny child who eventually fell asleep in the Soldier's arms.

Sgt. Ashely Defreites, a school's and Defense Travel System specialist from the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade said, "I had so much fun being able to play with kids. I feel like we are building bonds with the local community." While hugging the kid on her lap, she said, "We are here to make them feel safe and assure that the people at the center love and care about them."

While feeding tangerines to a child, Pvt. Miguel Bernardo, an information manager from the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade, said, "Such activities like this to better the relationship between the U.S. Army and local community should occur more in other countries."

By the time the Soldiers had to leave, the children and the Soldiers had become so close that they expressed a hint of sadness during the departure.

The 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade participates in many community events in support of the alliance between the Republic of Korea and U.S. The Soldiers, and the children created a bond that will continue as more visits come in the future. The warm support and love they shared for one another will be able to warm them through this cold winter in South Korea.

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