Freedom 6 Sends: Operation Atlantic Resolve

By Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell, Jr., U.S. Army EuropeJuly 28, 2014


Over the last few months, the great Soldiers and Civilians of United States Army Europe have executed and supported what is now known as Operation Atlantic Resolve. Originally identified as "Persistent Presence", this operation clearly demonstrates the value of WHY we maintain U.S. forces in Europe.

USAREUR is currently conducting multinational battalion and company-level training, expeditionary sustainment and planning future bilateral training opportunities in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. The speed and success with which USAREUR performed these actions were made possible only by the trust and relationships we have built with our allies through years of training and interacting together in Europe.

As the Army Service Component Command (ASCC) of United States European Command, we have a unique ability to leverage friendships built during more than 1,000 security cooperation events and exercises every year. A perfect example of this is how the mission in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve developed; our relationships with the countries affected allowed our Team to set the initial conditions that facilitated our Soldiers' ability to arrive rapidly and begin training immediately.

These relationships are a direct result of having a permanent presence in Europe. The foundation of trust we have built allowed us the ability to gain access to key leaders in the affected region and respond in a timely manner when every second was critical to providing our friends the assurance they so desired.

This operation is a demonstration of our Nation's unwavering commitment to our partners and allies and a direct result of personal relationships developed throughout the years.

We will continue to provide the support and assurance that our partners and allies both need and deserve through Operation Atlantic Resolve and other training events and exercises.

I want to thank the Soldiers, Civilians and Families of United States Army Europe for their dedication to duty and true professionalism during this important and critical time. As always, your selfless service is apparent every day and I am proud to be a member of this fine organization.

Strong Soldiers, Strong Teams!

-Lt. Gen. Don Campbell

Freedom 6

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