Remembering American Freedoms on Patriot Day

By Skip Vaughn, AMCOMSeptember 18, 2008

Army Voices
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The commanding general reminded AMCOM on Sept. 11 of the importance of taking the fight to the enemy.

"We will stop them from trying to harm our way of life," Maj. Gen. Jim Myles, commander of the Aviation and Missile Command and Redstone Arsenal, said during the annual Patriot Day tribute. The event, in a filled 650-seat Bob Jones Auditorium, marked the seventh year since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

"We're spending a lot of time and a lot of resources to find them," Myles said. He pointed out that 4,300 servicemembers have died in the Global War on Terrorism.

Myles described the magnitude of this command's role in the war. Of the more than 600 U.S. aircraft in Iraq and Afghanistan, less than 20 were down for parts that morning.

"The importance of you is so critical to this fight," Myles said. "Nothing moves without aviation in Iraq and Afghanistan."

He asked the members of the work force to take time that day to remember their freedoms under the U.S. Constitution.

The military and civilian workers returned to their offices after the Pledge of Allegiance, led by AMCOM chief of staff Col. Tom Newman, and the playing of the Army Song.

"It was wonderful," Clif Gordon, a budget analyst at AMCOM G-8 (Resource Management), said. "I've only been here less than a year but I was impressed with General Myles' passion. He brought up some very good points about 9/11 and about service to this country."