Soldiers take new look at intoxicated driving

By Staff Sgt. Nathan Akridge, 31st Air Defense Artillery BrigadeApril 25, 2013

DUI goggles
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT SILL, Okla. (April 25, 2013) -- D-U-I ... these three letters a don't spell a word, but they can spell the end of one's career.

Soldiers from the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Air Defense Artillery learned about driving under the influence and its consequences during the battalion's safety stand down day March 14 at the unit motorpool here.

Oklahoma Highway Patrol troopers stood before a group of Soldiers to give them a special message.

"Our main goal with a DUI stop is to find people who are too intoxicated to drive and get them off the road," said Trooper Richard Danhorn. "If you [drive while intoxicated] and crash into or kill someone, you can get charged with up to second degree murder. It's not worth it."

The Soldiers wore drunk-goggles, which simulated the effects of alcohol impairment, while driving a golf cart. Soldiers said they were surprised by how poorly they drove, and found it to be a very sobering experience.

"I definitely don't want to drive drunk," said Spc. Jeremy Booland, D Battery, 3-2nd ADA. "It's not worth it at all. I've watched other people go out there, and they hit cones. [In real life] those could be people."

The troopers chose Pfc. Joel Rico, A Battery, 3-2nd ADA, out of the crowd to wear the drunk goggles and perform the field sobriety test. Rico said the test reinforced his beliefs on DUI.

"Do not drink and drive, it will cause harm to others," he said. "You can injure a loved one, whether it be a friend or someone else's family member. You can kill someone's brother, mother, sister or father."

Danhorn had one last bit of advice for the Soldiers.

"The main thing is to be safe and think about what you do," Danhorn said. "Don't wait for the repercussions to hit. Take the steps to make sure you're not in a position where you will get a DUI."