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Warrior Care - Adaptive Reconditioning

Wednesday November 27, 2013

What is it?

The U.S. Army’s adaptive reconditioning activities help recovering Soldiers increase team building skills; learn to enjoy leisure activities; reintegrate into communities; and see physical and mental improvements. Soldiers are encouraged to participate in a wide variety of activities, ranging from traditional sports like swimming, cycling, wheelchair basketball and sitting volleyball to gardening, yoga, horseback riding, art and cultural events, kayaking and many more.

As the U.S. Army observes Warrior Care Month, Warrior Transition Command (WTC), as the lead proponent for the Warrior Care and Transition Program, focuses on adaptive reconditioning programs for wounded, ill and injured Soldiers recovering at Warrior Transition Units (WTUs).

What has the Army done

The Army established adaptive reconditioning programs across the 29 Warrior Transition Units (WTUs) and nine Community-Based Warrior Transition Units (CBWTUs). Adaptive reconditioning programs build ready and resilientSoldiers by providing activities and opportunities for them to train as athletes and rebuild motor skills.

Adaptive reconditioning increases Soldiers’ strength so they can continue with military service or develop healthy habits for life outside the service. This also enhances their quality of life, enabling a parent to hold a child again or an amputee to re-learn how to walk.

Each year since 2010, at least 50 wounded, ill and injured Soldiers and veterans have competed for gold at the Warrior Games against representatives of the other services. Last year, the Army introduced more than 300 Soldiers to adaptive reconditioning through its 17 Warrior Games training and selection clinics, including the 50 athletes who won 81 medals for the Army.

On Nov. 21, the Army participated in a Joint Services Sitting Volleyball Tournament at the Pentagon to raise awareness of the challenges and benefits of adaptive reconditioning.

What efforts does the Army have planned for the future?

WTUs are continuing to enhance their adaptive reconditioning programs and ensure that these activities are incorporated into each Soldier’s Comprehensive Transition Plans (CTPs).

Why is this important to the Army?

Supporting a holistic recovery for wounded, ill and injured Soldiers contributes to a Ready and Resilient force. Incorporating adaptive reconditioning activities into Soldiers’ recovery plans enables them to understand how much they can still accomplish and achieve their career, physical, social, family, and spiritual goals with increased self-confidence.


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