- March 5, 2020 Army support to COVID-19 vaccine development
- March 4, 2020 Howard resident selected as Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army
- March 4, 2020 Shreveport resident selected as Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army
- March 4, 2020 Madison resident selected as Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army
- Feb. 28, 2020 U.S. Army authorizes combat patch for service in Somalia
- Feb. 13, 2020 Army National Military Cemeteries renamed as Office of Army Cemeteries
- Feb. 11, 2020 Army announces activation of additional corps headquarters
- Feb. 10, 2020 Army aggressively moves forward on OMFV, seeks industry input on path forward
- Feb. 7, 2020 Army Secretary Ryan D. McCarthy, other service secretaries, meet with housing executives
- Feb. 3, 2020 DOD statement on Coronavirus evacuation flights
- Jan. 31, 2020 Army announces new Aviation Incentive Pay rates
- Jan. 22, 2020 Army begins movement for Defender-Europe 20 exercise
- Jan. 21, 2020 U.S. Army withdraws Water Supply Rule
- Jan. 17, 2020 Army announces upcoming 10th Mountain Division Headquarters unit rotation
- Jan. 16, 2020 Army decides to cancel current OMFV solicitation