BACH asks for patient feedback Hospital experts to respond during virtual Town Hall

By Mrs. Stacy M Rzepka (Army Medicine)January 15, 2013

FT. CAMPBELL, Ky. -- Blanchfield Army Community Hospital command and staff are hosting a Facebook Phone Service Town Hall Jan. 24 from noon to 12:40 p.m.

BACH's command team is asking patients to submit their questions and comments from now until 12:40 p.m. Jan. 24.

"We want to know how we can better support our patients and their Families' phone service needs," said hospital commander Col. Paul R. Cordts.

Cordts explained that BACH's phone satisfaction scores are historically lower than the Army Medical Command's stated goal of meeting and exceeding 87.5 percent satisfaction. BACH typically ranges between 72 and 74 percent phone service satisfaction in returned Army Provider Level Satisfaction Surveys, more commonly known as APLSS (pronounced apples).

"Our patients' feedback tells us that we are losing their confidence in how we provide phone customer service," said Cordts.

In addition, the hospital loses money for this low phone satisfaction score that could be reinvested in patient care.

"We can gain or lose $100 per returned APLSS survey for scores that fall below or exceed 87.5 percent on phone satisfaction. We want to regain our patients' confidence in BACH's overall delivery of care, while achieving Army Medical Command's goals and bringing valuable funds back into their medical care."

BACH's command team said they are asking patients for their help so they may understand how to better meet patients' needs. Between now and 12:40 p.m. Jan. 24, patients are asked to submit their questions or comments so a team of BACH experts can respond live during a virtual Town Hall on Facebook from noon to 12:40 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 24.

"We will answer as many questions as possible during the live Town Hall," said Cordts. He stated that the BACH team will respond in writing to ALL comments by the end of the day Jan. 24. Only phone service questions and comments will be addressed during the virtual Town Hall, however patient feedback is always welcome.

"Please help us partner in your care by submitting your questions and helping us better serve you," said Cordts.

To submit a question or comment about BACH Phone Service:

-Post a message on the Event's wall at by using the "Write Post" section -Tweet -Email