WASHINGTON -- The Army released results from the 2021 tenant survey today, which indicate an increase in customer satisfaction. The survey was conducted by an independent, third-party firm using standardized questions prepared by the Department of Defense across all military services.
“A higher number of residents participated in this year’s survey, and overall satisfaction rates improved as well,” said Michael E. Reheuser, Director of Installation Services. “We are encouraged by the results, and the responses will help us determine how to continue improving the quality of life of our residents.”
Privatized housing received an overall satisfaction score of 75.4 out of a possible 100 points, an increase of 0.3 points, and Army-owned/leased housing achieved an overall satisfaction score of 72.9 points, a significant increase of 3.4 points. More than 53% of privatized housing installations and 63% of government-owned/leased installations showed improvements in overall satisfaction.
More than 85,000 residents were invited to participate, and 24,483 responded -- an increase of 4.4% for privatized housing and 3.3% for Army-owned/leased housing. The privatized housing response rate was 29.1%, and the Army-owned/leased housing response rate was 26.3%.
“The results of this survey will be used by installation leadership, in conjunction with government housing managers and private company property managers, to further refine action plans to address deficiencies and prioritize resources,” said Reheuser. “We appreciate everyone who took the time to participate, and look forward to their feedback on how to further improve living conditions.”
The Army continues to work with the privatized housing companies to add $2.8 billion in new development, modernization and renovation over the next five years, and it remains on track to significantly reduce the number of poor and failing Army-owned houses by the end of 2026 through a planned investment of over $1.6 billion. These efforts will not only improve housing and community conditions, but will also provide quality, safe and secure housing for Soldiers and their families.
Efforts to seek the voice of Army housing tenants, such as the tenant satisfaction survey and recurring community town halls conducted by Army leaders, have enabled the Army to better identify housing needs and target resources to achieve improvements. In addition, changes such as increased quality-control inspections, a revised incentive-fee structure, and monthly progress-review calls with leadership, have better enabled the Army to hold privatized housing providers accountable for the quality of living that Soldiers and families deserve.
For more information, email usarmy.pentagon.hqda-ocpa.mbx.mrd-press-desk@mail.mil
The survey results are posted at https://www.army.mil/qualityoflife/#housing
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