New plans slated for ACC/ECC headquarters

By Mr Larry D Mccaskill (ACC)February 23, 2012

New plans slated for ACC/ECC headquarters
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Plans are in motion for the Soldiers and civilian employees at the U.S. Army Contracting Command and the U.S. Army Expeditionary Contracting Command headquarters to relocate their operations to Building 4505 on Redstone Arsenal as their permanent facility.

The ACC and ECC headquarters staffs currently occupy temporary structures. Stephanie Lopez, ACC deputy chief of staff, commandant's service, installations and logistics, said that the relocatable trailers were a temporary solution; an alternative solution to provide permanent facilities for the organizations needed to be identified.

"Originally the plan was to build a new facility," said Lopez. "However, due to recent budget cuts, we've had to go a different route."

Building 4505, located on Martin Road across from the new Army Materiel Command headquarters building, is centrally located in the middle of the arsenal, making it easily accessible from all gates.

"Depending on where an employee lives, it could add 5-10 minutes to the commute, but for those who live near Gate 7 or in south Huntsville it may save 5-10 minutes," Lopez said.

Prior to the commands relocating into their permanent facilities, the building will undergo some renovations.

"The plan is to have a new façade on the facility as well as some internal renovations and infrastructure improvements to bring the building up to what we consider would be appropriate for a two-star level command," Lopez said.

Renovations will start once the current tenants start vacating. Lopez said there is a possibility of starting some of the renovations, pending funding, in late 2012.

"This building will have a sufficient amount of space for the more than 500 ACC/ECC employees. The facility will be a mix of hard-wall offices and cubicles," Lopez said. "The location of the facility will be an advantage because of its proximity to the new AMC headquarters as many ACC/ECC members attend meetings regularly in the AMC facilities.

"Other advantages of ACC/ECC being collocated under one roof is the facility will be completely ours with no other tenants; the renovations will provide a suitable long term solution for ACC/ECC headquarters command operations. The location will be along the administrative corridor closer to the garrison, AMC, ACC-Redstone and the Sparkman Center, providing a closer connection to Team Redstone," Lopez said.

The timetable for relocating has not been established, but Lopez said the entire workforce cannot move until all renovations are completed and the existing tenants are relocated sometime around late 2014 or early 2015.

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