Wrestling 'Superstars' Spend Quality Time With Troops in Iraq

By Spc. Eric A. RutherfordDecember 12, 2007

1 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – World Wrestling Entertainment Diva Maria high-fives troops as she heads toward the ring during the World Wrestling Entertainment's Tribute to the Troops tour final show at Contingency Operating Base Speicher, Tikrit, Iraq, Dec. 7. The WWE superstars ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
2 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – World Wrestling Entertainment superstar Triple H gives Spc. Lanedela Allensworth a ride on his shoulders during the WWE's Tribute to the Troops tour at Contingency Operating Base Speicher, Tikrit, Iraq, Dec. 7. The WWE superstars toured many forward ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
3 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Capt. Pearl Phaovonisaid puts World Wrestling Entertainment superstar Mr. Kennedy in a headlock during the WWE's Tribute to the Troops tour at Contingency Operating Base Speicher, Tikrit, Iraq, Dec. 7. The WWE superstars toured many forward operating... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

TIKRIT, Iraq (Army News Service, Dec. 12, 2007) - While the holidays may just be another day in a war zone, this year World Wrestling Entertainment gave a special Christmas gift to the troops by spending three days with them.

Wrestling Superstars took their show on the road for the fifth straight year to spend time with Soldiers in remote areas who rarely even get time to watch their favorite wrestlers and divas on television.

From Dec. 5 to Dec. 7, the wrestlers visited forward operating bases and patrol bases, followed by the performance of a Monday Night Raw show on Contingency Operating Base Speicher.

"The least we can do is come over here and give the small token to bring a little Americana back over here to you just to remind you that everyone back in America loves and supports you," said WWE chairman, Vince McMahon.

After a 20-hour flight from the states, the group split into four teams to cover a larger area, visiting troops on more than 20 bases in Taji, Tarmiyha, Balad, Tikrit, and Mosul. Superstars from the WWE didn't just spend time in secured areas signing autographs, but they also got outside the wire into the combat zone to visit troops in small patrol bases, braving the dangers of Iraq to thank troops for their service.

This trip was Superstar Chris Jericho's first with the WWE, who said after 17 years traveling all around the world in the wrestling business, this is possibly the best experience he has ever had professionally.

"I didn't know what to expect, I just knew I wanted to come," Mr. Jericho said. "After being here and seeing it up close and personal from the Army bases and the further outposts and getting into the unsecured war zone, we got the full meal deal of the Iraqi experience."

Brig. Gen. James Boozer Sr., deputy commanding general of 1st Armored Division, accompanied the Superstars during their tour and said having the WWE was great for the Soldiers.

"I know the WWE are great fans of our Soldiers, but the Soldiers are big fans of the WWE," the general said. "Our Soldiers have heart and they have the backing of the American people and the great fans like the WWE."

Not all of the superstars were new to the Tribute Tour. Ring announcer Lilian Garcia has been to Afghanistan once, and this was her third trip to Iraq. Ms. Garcia, who grew up in a military family, said making the trip was very meaningful, and being around men and women in uniform was like being home and around family.

"I think it is very important for WWE to come here," she said. "It is so wonderful to be part of something like this to be supporting the men and women of our military. Without them we wouldn't have the freedom we have."

Another Superstar who is already a veteran of the Tribute Tour is wrestler JBL. He was one of the first wrestlers to make a trip to see troops five years ago in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. He said he thinks the troops understand the WWE are big fans of them, and they made the trip with no vested interest other than to say thanks. JBL added it was a terrific honor to come to Iraq and thank the troops in person.

"To see what these guys have to go through, with their finger on the trigger all the time... this is the way they live," said JBL. "This is why we are so free in our country, because these guys do this. It is just a remarkable thing. They are Soldiers and they are heroes and they understand they want to fight the enemy over here rather than fight the enemy back home."

During the three-day visit, Superstars spent time with troops, posing for photos and signing autographs. They also spent time talking and getting to know the men and women they were here to see, often not being able to eat meals because they gave every opportunity to the troops for one-on-one time, even during chow.

The Superstars also got in the weeds with the troops, riding in UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, sitting in Stryker vehicles, learning how howitzers work and spent time on the flight line learning about the weapon systems on OH-58D Kiowa helicopters and Black Hawks.

On the second night of the tour, WWE chairman, Vince McMahon, and some of his Superstars visited 1st Armored Division Headquarters here, meeting with Maj. Gen Mark Hertling, commanding general, Multi-National Division-North, and his staff. Maj. Gen. Hertling took time to give the Superstars plaques and commanders coins.

"What we do when we get these great stars who are supporting us so well, we send them out to every FOB and every patrol base," the Maj. Gen. Hertling said. "There are not a whole lot of people who understand what we do over here, and the Superstars come over here and see it. They volunteer to do it. We appreciate it and it makes us feel good to have these guys spend some time with us."

The Tribute to the Troops Tour culminated in the filming of an episode of Monday Night Raw at the bombed out soccer stadium on Contingency Operating Base. This gave the event the appearance of ancient gladiatorial combat. Hundreds of Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, and civilian contractors packed the stadium for the show, which will air Christmas eve at 9 (EST) on the USA Network.

(Spc. Eric A. Rutherford serves with the 115th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment.)